Tag: youth

Youth Missional Giving

Help support Faith Church Youth as they raise money to wipe out predatory and unjust medical debt for families in need in Texas. 

They will be in the Narthex each Sunday through December 11th offering coffee, cocoa, and cider for donations. 

Our current goal is $400 and we raised $85 our first Sunday.  For each dollar they raise, RIP Medical Debt can pay off approximately $100 in medical debt, meaning we can help pay off $4000 of medical bills for families before Christmas. 

Go to https://ripmedicaldebt.org/campaign/texas/faith1957? to learn more about and give to our campaign.

Color Splash @ Slumber Falls Camp – An inclusive 4-day camp for LGBTQ+youth

When we say, “everyone welcome, seriously everyone,” we mean it. This year, Slumber Falls and New Church have come together to craft a junior & senior high experience that is a safe, brave space for all youth to deepen their faith in an open & affirming community!

Registration links:

Junior High Track

Senior High Track

Color Splash @ Slumber Falls Camp – An inclusive 4-day camp for LGBTQ+youth

Slumber Falls Camp continues to be a beacon of hope for children and youth of all ages with its all-inclusive summer programming. This year we are excited to announce a new camp called Color Splash, a four-day, LGBTQ+ focused, summer camp experience.

Color Splash will promote an intentionally safe and brave space that welcomes all youth from our South Central Conference churches, and beyond that to other churches, denominations, and faiths.

Rev. Yadi Martinez, Associate Pastor at New Church – Chiesa Nuova, UCC in Dallas Texas, will be directing the Color Splash Camp for Junior High and Senior High age groups. Programming for both age groups will run parallel, each with its own appropriate age group activities. Programing for these four days will include:

  • Empowering workshops.
  • Open and affirming spiritual and worship opportunities
  • Opportunities in the musical, visual and performing arts

We know that many LGBTQ+ young people face significant challenges, anxiety and fear when participating in Christian or other faith-based programs and camps. Yet we also know the life changing experiences that a camp like Color Splash can offer young people as they seek to live into their true authentic selves. 

Slumber Falls Camp is an inclusive and empowering environment that opens its doors to all LGBTQ+ youth and their allies. Please join us in prayer as Slumber Falls prepares for summer 2022. And let us rejoice as a conference as we continue to be the church, creating a just world for all. 

For more information visit Slumber Falls at  https://slumberfalls.org
Or email at [email protected]

Registration links:Junior High Track

Senior High Track

KIDS & YOUTH—Help Us Loan Money April 14th at 6:00pm

KIDS & YOUTH—did you know that you have $1,406.71?!  We need your help spending it. 

Through your tithes and offerings your church has loaned $63,125 to people from 85 countries, through the KIVA microloan lending program, to help them start and run businesses and bring more financial health and freedom to themselves, their families, and communities. 

As they pay us back the money they’ve borrowed from us, we re-invest that money in other people.  We currently have $1,406.71 to loan to others, and we want our young ones’ help deciding to whom we should loan our support next.

PARENTS—We want to help teach our young about mission, about the plight of others less financially fortunate than us in the U.S. and around the world, how money and lending work, what a big difference every little bit they do for others can make, and how good it feels to work with God by serving God’s kids. 

We also want to help them engage with their pastor and other grownups in the congregation to help them feel connected with their greater Faith Family, and we need your help, as well!

Bring your kiddos and join me, Mike Ziegler, and Frank Dietz on Wednesday, April 14th at 6:00 pm for 30 to 45 minutes max as we demonstrate the KIVA program to you and your kids and get their help making our next round of loans. 

If it’s dinner time or happy hour in your household, bring the merlot (for you) and the mac and cheese (for the kids of for you, we won’t judge) and join any way. 

This will be an informal Faith Family time as we love on your kids, on you, and teach us all a bit more about serving God by caring for and supporting our human family with a hand up, rather than a handout.  We hope to see you, there! 

Pastor Carla

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