Tag: worship


On May 29, SCC Annual Meeting Worship will be streamed to churches from the  meeting so all church leaders may attend.

On May 29 only, Faith Church will worship from 10 to 11 am. in order to take part in the unique worship experience. 

As with the weekly email with the Zoom link for worship, a message will be sent with the link to participate.

More information will be available before the event.

Tech Help Needed 4/18 & 4/25

Our fabulous tech gurus will be on vacation and not available for worship April 18th and 25th

We need to add members to our tech team on an on-going basis so the work is shared by several and feel easier on everyone! 

If you are willing to help with tech, particularly by learning now what is needed and being ready to help those two Sundays in April, contact me at [email protected]!

Thanks, in advance for helping make sure our virtual services remain a source of worship for many and stressless ease for those of us leading them!

Pastor Carla

Worship in the Sanctuary Starting Sunday November 8th!!!

Greetings Faith UCC,

The church council and Pastor Scott Martin have approved plans to safely resume in-person worship services. We have chosen November 8, 2020 at 10:30am as our start date. We look forward to being together again, but we must all do our part to ensure the health of those who choose to attend. Below are the guidelines that have been adopted.

  1. Masks must be worn by all attendees over 2 years of age and kept on during the entire worship service. If anyone arrives without a mask, one will be provided to them.
  2. Temperature checks will be done upon arrival. Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be admitted. If you feel sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please remain at home. 
  3. An usher will seat all people in order to maximize our seating capacity while maintaining the 6 foot social distancing between family units. Ushers will fill the sanctuary from front to back and empty it at the end of the service from back to front. Please remain in your seat until directed to exit by the usher.
  4. Please do not gather and socialize closely in the pews, aisles or Narthex upon entry or exit. For now, there will be no coffee time following the service. We hope to return to this once the pandemic is over. 
  5. Nursery services will not be provided. In-person Sunday school and youth activities will not yet resume. Children should sit with their families and will remain there during the children’s time of the service. 
  6. To begin, there will be no congregational singing. The pastor, liturgist, soloist or anyone speaking or singing without a mask should be 15 feet or more from the congregation. If Covid case numbers remain low, we hope later to add congregational singing with masks in place.
  7. Prepackaged communion elements will be used and available for pick-up upon entry so the elements will not have to be passed from person to person 
  8. An offering basket will be placed at the entrance to the sanctuary. Offering plates will not be passed. 
  9. Pastor Scott will light the candles at prayer time and prayer requests will be taken from the pews so that people will not need to get up and move around during the service. 
  10. One person at a time will be allowed in the restrooms and a person will be designated each Sunday to clean bathroom surfaces between users.

We will continue to broadcast our worship services on ZOOM and recommend those at risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (older adults and people with serious underlying conditions) continue to worship in that manner. We ask your patience and understanding during this time and your respect for the fact that people may have different comfort levels with being physically close to other people.

If you are willing to be a greeter, usher, or restroom monitor, please let Mary Owen know (830-265-0570 or [email protected]). Thanks. If you have any questions or suggestions, please call Mary Owen, Chairperson of the Reopening Committee, or Pastor Scott. Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support during these difficult times. We look forward to seeing you in our sanctuary or on ZOOM.

We look forward to being together again,

Faith UCC Council 

Worship Service via Zoom Video Conferencing

Due to the City of New Braunfels’ “stay at home” order issued earlier this week, we are planning to come together to worship on Sunday’s at our normal time (10:30am) using the video conferencing platform Zoom. Zoom video conferencing capabilities can be installed for free on most computers, smart phone, or tablets. If you choose not to download the application, you can always join the worship service by phone at the number listed at the bottom of this note.

Click here to watch a video that can help you understand how to install and join a zoom meeting.

If possible, we recommend you sign-up for a free Zoom account so that you can download and install the Zoom application prior to this Sunday’s worship service.

We are blessed to be able to leverage technology to allow us to come together as a congregation during these challenging times.

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