Tag: volunteer

Family Promise Opportunities

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We have had a great response to our need for volunteers to host families at Slumber Falls Camp the week starting 9/11/2022, but there are still a few slots left! 

— Set up crew on 9/11/22 from1:00-2:30pm — We need 4-6 people to show up at the camp to make beds, unload the families’ belongings from the trailers and deliver it to the correct cabin, set up common areas as a “dining room” and a “living room,” organize breakfast and lunch supplies. 

— Provide Saturday morning breakfast on 9/17/2022 from 8:00-10:00am — We need someone (individual or family) to either bring in breakfast or cook breakfast at the camp for the families. Saturday is the one day of the week the families get to stay at the camp past 7:30am. We usually try to serve them a good breakfast around 9:00 and they head out by 10:00am. 

— Clean-up crew on 9/18/2022 8:00-9:00am — Loading families’ belongings into trailer, remove trash and linens from cabins, return common area to original setup and remove all food and trash from kitchen.

–Trailer Driver on 9/18/2022 9:00am — Someone with a vehicle that has a  hitch is needed to pull the Family Promise trailer from Slumber Falls Camp to the next church in the rotation and drop it off in their parking lot.  If you can help with any of these vital positions, please notify Michelle Perry or use the Sign up Genius link to fill a slot. Fall 2022 Family Promise – Slumber Falls Camp  and plan to stay after church August 29 for a brief informational meeting!

Family Promise Volunteers Needed

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Faith Church will be partnering with Friedens UCC to host up to four families at Slumber Falls Camp the week of September 11 – 18, 2022.

Volunteers are needed to be present at the camp overnight (7pm-7am). We also need donations of breakfast and lunch items as well as someone willing to make a special breakfast for the families on Saturday morning.

Families in the program are always so glad to spend the week at Slumber Falls where they get to have their own cabins and get to experience a little of the great outdoors.

New volunteers will need to complete a background check through Family Promise and watch the two training videos. More information about signing up and completing the training will be coming soon.

Grounds Maintenance Update/Opportunities

We are collecting information and estimates on repairing playscape, repairing roof and water damage, removing bushes and tending to trees and flower beds. 

We will be holding an information briefing on May 22nd in the sanctuary directly after graduation cake to provide updates and collect further input and Q and A. 

If you are interested in helping us make the church beautiful or have suggestions, please consider attending.

Bookkeeping Help Needed

We are transferring our church accounting from Quickbooks to Realm (an all-encompassing church management software) over the next few months.  

We are looking for a small group of people who are interested in helping out with church bookkeeping.

If you have a love of numbers and are willing to learn a new system, please reach out to Michelle Perry.

We hope to set up a training opportunity with the experts from Realm to help us get things transferred easily.

2-3 Year Old Class / Nursery Attendants or Pledges Needed Immediately Please!

Churches do not grow and thrive, or survive, without families.  Families have been wanting and waiting for us to resume Children’s Programming, so they feel comfortable attending with their littles. 

We are SO grateful for the renewed energy in our midst, but if we do not have quality programming available for them, they will not feel welcome and will not return.

We are in need of 3 Children’s Church teachers total each week—one for the 2-3 Year Old/Nursery Class, one for the Younger (pre-K through 1st Grade) children, one for the Older (2nd through 5th Grade) children, and one floater to help as needed and maintain safe protocols for all. 

If you would like to volunteer, or pledge extra for the year to help hire a Nursery Attendant for our littlest ones, please contact Pastor Carla or Pam Robinson.

Big Serve 2021

Join us for the Big Serve 10/9 from 9:30a-12:30p as we join others in the community to build a Healing Garden for the children at Connections Individual and Family Services.

You can also donate supplies on the page linked below. 

Contact Pastor Carla to sign up (we have 6 spots left to fill) at [email protected].  

See this link for more information. https://volunteer.servespot.org/communityservice/projectdetails/6107031aeb0bed666cd0b03f

Thank you, for being a congregation always willing to serve your neighbors, and all God’s kids!

Slumber Falls Camp Looking for Summer Camp Volunteers

Hello Churches and Conference Friends:

Slumber Falls is having excellent summer camp registrations and we are now at 221 campers.

We are in desperate need of the following Volunteers:

  • 2 female adults (over 18) to Counsel at our Streams of Faith 1 (grades 3-5) from July 4 – July 10
  • 1 male adult (over 18) to Counsel at our Eco Camp (grades 6-8) from July 11 – July 17
  • 3 females and 2 males (over 18) Counselors needed for our Living Waters camp (grades 3-6) from July 11 – July 17

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these openings, please contact

Stacey at [email protected] as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration!

RSVP America Reads Program

As our community’s children prepare to return to school and catch up academically in the coming months, it is more important than ever to help them be ready to read.  One way to do so is to volunteer for the very worthy RSVP America Reads Program (https://www.nbisd.org/page/article/841). 

Our own Sheila Angerer has been doing so for 5 years and encourages others in our Faith Family to get involved!

Worship Attendants: Feb 2 – Mar 8, 2020

February 2, 2020 
Liturgist: Curt Leonhardt
Acolyte & Council Rep: Bob Manning
Greeter: Joe Ward
Hospitality: Lana Spiess
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Julia Allison & Joe Ward
AV: David Reed
Communion: Carol Sisco-Martinez
Ushers: Bob Manning; Curt Leonhardt; Sam Ward; David Bizer

February 9, 2020 
Liturgist: Julia Allison
Acolyte & Council Rep: Mike Ziegler
Greeter: Richard Leber 
Hospitality: Jan Ziegler
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Karen Dietz & TBA
AV: Joe Ward
Ushers: Mike & Jan Ziegler; Richard Leber; Julia Allison

February 16, 2020 
Liturgist: Jason Chapel
Acolyte & Council Rep: Carol Sisco-Martinez
Greeter: Joe Ward
Hospitality: Mikki Ward
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Chrissy Gossett & Will Gossett
AV: Tim Marlow
Ushers: Carol Sisco-Martinez; Eddie Martinez: Jason Chapel; Mikki Ward

February 23, 2020 
Liturgist: Nicolle Clark
Acolyte & Council Rep: Beth Bizer
Greeter: Michelle Perry
Hospitality: Pot Luck
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Tim & Jennifer Marlow
AV: Joe Ward
Ushers: Beth Bizer; Nicolle Clark; Michelle Perry; Mikki Ward

March 1, 2020 
Liturgist: Bob Manning
Acolyte & Council Rep: Sam Ward
Greeter: Richard Leber
Hospitality: Mikki Ward
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Jan Ziegler & Kathy Leber
AV: Cassidy Martinez
Communion: TBA
Ushers: Sam Ward; Joe & Mikki Ward; Bob Manning

March 8, 2020 
Liturgist: Jan Ziegler
Acolyte & Council Rep: Valerie Oates
Greeter: Mike Ziegler
Hospitality: Julia Allison
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Spring Break
AV: Quinn Perry
Ushers: Valerie Oates; Mike & Jan Ziegler; TBA

If you cannot serve on the designated date/dates shown, please try and find a substitute and let Pastor Scott and Janet Sherman know.  Also please change the names on the kiosk if you know ahead of time.  If that is not possible leave a message at the church office (830-625-6761) as soon as possible.  If you would like to be added or removed from all or part of the Worship Assistant List, please contact the church at 830-625-6761.

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