We have had a great response to our need for volunteers to host families at Slumber Falls Camp the week starting 9/11/2022, but there are still a few slots left!
— Set up crew on 9/11/22 from1:00-2:30pm — We need 4-6 people to show up at the camp to make beds, unload the families’ belongings from the trailers and deliver it to the correct cabin, set up common areas as a “dining room” and a “living room,” organize breakfast and lunch supplies.
— Provide Saturday morning breakfast on 9/17/2022 from 8:00-10:00am — We need someone (individual or family) to either bring in breakfast or cook breakfast at the camp for the families. Saturday is the one day of the week the families get to stay at the camp past 7:30am. We usually try to serve them a good breakfast around 9:00 and they head out by 10:00am.
— Clean-up crew on 9/18/2022 8:00-9:00am — Loading families’ belongings into trailer, remove trash and linens from cabins, return common area to original setup and remove all food and trash from kitchen.
–Trailer Driver on 9/18/2022 9:00am — Someone with a vehicle that has a hitch is needed to pull the Family Promise trailer from Slumber Falls Camp to the next church in the rotation and drop it off in their parking lot. If you can help with any of these vital positions, please notify Michelle Perry or use the Sign up Genius link to fill a slot. Fall 2022 Family Promise – Slumber Falls Camp and plan to stay after church August 29 for a brief informational meeting!