I am going to step back from serving as a TX Impact board member. This will leave a vacancy to represent the UCC and SCC.
I am unwilling to drive to Austin, let alone maneuver my way through traffic. I have not made this decision without some prayer and meditation and kept coming up with the same answer.
I have enjoyed everyone on the TX Impact board. I believe I served through three legislative years. Two of which I was able to be in Austin several times due to the kindness of others. The rallies on the steps of the Capitol were invigorating. We were able to meet with our respective representatives and senators.
I have contacted Bee Moorehead and advised her of my decision. Just remember the legislature meets every other year. If you are at all interested in serving on the TX Impact board, please Google TX Impact, there is good information to digest and help with a decision. TX Impact is a faith based organization. I have submitted information about TX Impact in earlier newsletters.
If more information is needed , please contact Bee Moorehead at [email protected] or Annaliese Cothron at [email protected]. They will have answers to your questions.
It has been an honor to represent TX Impact through Faith UCC in New Braunfels and the conference during the past six years. All good things do come to an end.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 830 352 3314 or email me at [email protected]. Thanks very much.
Peace & Grace Sheila Angerer
All of us at Faith UCC offer our special thanks to Sheila for her dedication and service! Thank you, Sheila.
Weekly Witness is an opportunity for Texans of faith to learn about important public policy issues through a faith lens, and find out timely opportunities to participate in the public policy process. Weekly Witness is broadcast live on Zoom and Facebook with a studio audience. The Weekly Witness podcast features content from the live event and is usually available the day after it is recorded.
It features a brief reflection, a moment of hope to start, then a guest expert on some policy issue of importance in the legislative session. The guest will answer questions. Finally, there will be a report on what is current in the legislature, what bills are in which stage of development, what is encouraging, what is discouraging, and, most important, what response is called for NOW by people of faith wanting a better future for Texas.
You can download the current Action Alert at the Texas Impact website:https://texasimpact.org
There you will find toll-free numbers for legislators, email addresses (at this point phone calls are better, and they will be brief), and more information about Texas Impact. Weekly Witness can also be found on YouTube.
Rapid Response Teams:
Our goal is to have people in each legislative district willing to make time-sensitive contacts to their legislator or key legislators during the Texas Legislative Session. You will be given the choice to receive rapid response notifications by text or email.
Currently a lot is happening and bills can change minute by minute. Some bills are still in committee, some are on their way to the floor for vote, and some have been approved by one or both chambers. This requires close monitoring and quick response to the right people. You can be part of that response by joining a rapid response team.
Shared by Sheila Angerer, TX Impact Board Member
Do You Know Texas Impact?
Texas Impact exists to put faith into action. We equip faith leaders and their congregations with the information, opportunities, and outreach tools to educate their communities and engage with lawmakers on pressing public policy issues. We are an interfaith group that works together on issues that impact the most vulnerable people in our communities. We help people live out their faith in the public square, moving the faith community from charity to justice.
I have served on the TX Impact board for the past four years. This is not an elected position; it is completely volunteer. During this legislative term, I have sent emails to many of you to call your local representative and senator. TX Impact gives you all the tools in an email to complete a call and have your voice heard.
TX Impact is comprised of a diversity of faiths. That is what makes this non-profit organization unique. I was present at the Capitol during the legislative session before the session now in progress. We are using Zoom and other electronic messaging to be in contact with our representatives and senators. The Capitol is open with restrictions. Texas Impact has committed to stop voter suppression, support Medicaid expansion, revise gun laws and other bills that we as a body either reject or support.
I was encouraged when I received an email from the Reverend Dr. Whit Bodman asking me to share information about TX Impact with the South Central Conference, UCC. With the support and involvement of the conference, there will more representation for the betterment of TX Impact and our state.
Texas Impact presented a webinar last Sunday, August 23rd. I attended four panel discussions via Zoom. Texas Impact is a trusted voice for faith and justice at the Texas Legislature. Faith in Democracy is in partnership with a team from Dallas faith organizations for this webinar. The speakers were from Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, Yaqueen Institute for Islamic Research & Faith Forward, Northern-Texas Northern Louisiana Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America And Faith Commons (representing the Jewish faith).
They each shared their experiences within their faith and the problems they are facing during COVID, racism and the political climate. The next presenters spoke about recruiting election workers. They stressed the need for volunteers to step up to help and explained the process which you would be required to do. This is a paid position. If anyone is feeling the spirit to volunteer for early voting or election day, please contact the Democratic Headquarters in New Braunfels, 830-620-5739.
The next panel discussed Vote By Mail. The Presbyterians, in Austin, conducted an extensive VBM strategy. They were successful and talked about the problems they incurred. This panel encouraged those who are eligible to send in your application for a ballot as soon as possible. And when you received your ballot, mail it as early as possible. If you have questions, once again call the Democratic Headquarters. Their message was to be expedient.
The final panel talked about the 2021 Legislative and gave a preview and how much different it is going to be due to the ongoing COVID. Texas Impact was even certain the legislation was equipped for a Zoom gathering. To be continued in January.
I joined another Zoom meeting with a representative from Congressman Lloyd Doggett. There were five in attendance and we discussed climate change/global warming. The topic discussed at length was a rail system from San Antonio to Austin to alleviate the congestion on I-35. The may or may not be any movement on this project.
It was a short Zoom meeting with sharing our thoughts about the topic and the election. I will make an effort to update anything from Texas Impact is involved with during the rest of this year and into 2021. There is a conference meeting Sunday and Monday, August 31st and September 1st. I plan to attend by Zoom.
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