Tag: pledge

Announcement of Capital and General Fund Campaign

Dear Faith Family,

As you have probably heard, we are beginning the process of making repairs and improvements to our church buildings, including new durable standing seam metal roofs, repairing and painting the eaves, new flooring and more comfortable seating in the sanctuary, making the chancel more accessible, and various repairs of sheetrock and water damage.

Our church Finance Committee is also engaged in the process of formulating our 2023 Statement of Faith (our church budget) and need to know what tithes and offerings to expect from our membership in order to be good stewards of our spending. 

With that in mind, we have decided to begin 1) a Capital Campaign to raise $30,000 to go toward our repairs by March 1st and 2) a Stewardship Campaign to learn what General Funds we can expect to come in 2023 to ensure the fiscal health of the church for the exciting year ahead.

We ask that you prayerfully consider what contributions you are willing to commit to care for our buildings through the Capital Campaign and what tithes of funds, time, and talents you are able to provide in 2023 to support our General Fund and on-going ministries.  

Forms to make your Capital Campaign Pledge and to make your Pledge to the Stewardship Campaign for 2023 will be made available on Realm and also printed out and available at the church. Please see below links and a QR code so that you can easily contribute to the continual adventures of work and service that lie ahead for us as we continue to grow and be a beacon of light and hope and a safe refuge for all at Faith Church!

Philip Graves, Vice Moderator Church council.

Building Fund Pledge Link:

Annual Pledge Link:

Give Now QR code:

Pride Sponsorship and Interfaith Pride Service

If you would be willing to pledge toward materials for and/or help plan the Faith Church, UCC booth at Riverside Pride Festival at the Comal County Fairgrounds Saturday, June 11th, please contact Pastor Carla!!!   

Folks were so appreciative of our presence last year, yet many were VERY SCARED to approach us, having been dealt heavy blows on their spirits by religious persons and organizations.  We want to have a fun, interactive booth at the event that feels safe and has an activity and decorations to draw them there. 

Perhaps we’ll play Pin the Tail on the Clobber Passage with scriptures traditionally used to condemn LGBTQ+ persons AND a corrective interpretation of that passage, then we have them try to pin the new loving message on top of the clobber passage while blindfolded for a prize.   

OR maybe we create a Whack-A-Mole game where they get to knock down or cover up phrases religious persons often use to condemn them with scriptures that speak instead of love and grace and acceptance.  Let’s get creative and have fun while offering an alternative message of faith!!  

We can then send them on with materials about Faith Church and goodies from us to remind them of God’s unconditional love for them, and ours as well.  We need ideas, offers to help cover the costs of outreach materials, and worker bees to help.  Again, please contact Pastor Carla to help and especially to take charge of helping her coordinate our efforts for this event!

Interfaith Pride Service set for June 9th 6:30—Helpers Needed  

Riverside Pride Fest was such a huge success last year that it is moving to the larger venue of Comal County Fairgrounds just down Common St. and will be Saturday, June 11th.  

Event organizers have given permission for Faith Church to host an interfaith worship service of supportive faith communities and persons of faith to show our LGBTQ+ siblings that God does love and affirm them, and so do we!  Other faith communities in New Braunfels and the surrounding areas are being invited, a committee is being formed to begin planning, and our own active and retired clergy at Faith Church will be asked to vest and process for the service.

So far, Pastor Carla has secured commitments to participate from New Braunfels congregations including Unity, the Unitarian Universalists, Peace Lutheran, and St. Johns Episcopal, along with the Seguine PFLAG Chapter and the San Marcos Unitarian Universalists.  

To help plan for and/or support this service, reach out to Pastor Carla.

2022 Pledge Campaign—For Everyone Born, a Place at the Table

            It is rare for a modern congregation to NOT have a pledge campaign to help plan for the coming year’s budget.  Faith Church is conducting our first ever drive to request folks’ pledged giving of resources of time, talents, and finances to help support the work of the church in the coming year.

            Many thanks to those who have already pledged.  If you have not done so, PLEASE go to https://www.faithuccnb.org/2022pledge/ or complete a form on the kiosk in the Narthex.  Pledges will be accepted through this Sunday, January 9th.  Council will use these to plan our Statement of Faith (otherwise known as a budget) to be voted on at our Annual Congregational Meeting after worship January 30th.

For Everyone Born, A Place at the Table—2022 Stewardship Campaign

It is common practice in most churches to do an annual pledge campaign to assist with the development of a statement of faith (otherwise known as a budget). To our knowledge, Faith Church has never held one, so we are beginning with a theme that represents what we believe and seek to provide as a ministry of God in our community and world!

Each year at our annual congregation meeting at the end of January, we vote on our statement of faith to approve our spending and allocation of resources for the coming year. If we do not know how much to anticipate coming in, we do not know how much we can, in good stewardship, plan to spend.

Please help us dream into a bright future in the coming year of Faith by prayerfully considering your pledge of resources and talents and make your pledge by filling out the form via the link below or take a form from the bulletin board in the narthex.

We will dedicate all pledges provided in a special ritual during our Sunday worship service December 26th as our own offering of a gift to the newborn Christ Child.

Together, we can make a place where everyone feels welcome AND do the outreach needed to let them know we are here and how to find us!!



Pledge Campaign for Our 2022 Statement of Faith

To properly develop a Statement of Faith (otherwise known as a budget) for the congregation to discuss and vote on at our Annual Congregational Meeting in January, we will be conducting a Pledge Campaign between now and January 9th

Members will be asked to prayerfully consider what they feel called to give to Faith Church through regular tithes in the coming year.  We know circumstances change and it can feel overwhelming in uncertain times such as these to make a commitment.  We simply ask folks to take time now to consider what contribution they believe they can make and place that information on the Pledge Campaign forms that will be made available both at the church and via email.

Most churches do this as an act of due diligence, since otherwise we are left guessing what income we will have and crossing our fingers, hoping we will have enough to meet our needs.  Following a Biblical model, many Christians tithe 10% of their gross income to their church.  Others feel able to do more. 

The ickyness that often comes up for folks when talking about money need not be (didja watch the Amanda Palmer video, yet?).  We are not asking so we can build a huge new facility or cars or boats or creature comforts.  We do not use this money to serve us, alone.  We use it to feed us and then help fuel our going out and serving others. 

We are asking so this unique church, this place where all are welcome, this congregation that works for justice and peace and wants everyone to know they have a safe place to come where a spiritual family will love them can remain open and reach even more people. 

So be watching your email, social media, and worship guide announcements for your chance to help us reach our goal of 90% of our members completing cards for Faith Church’s very first Pledge Campaign and commit to what you feel God calls you to provide. 

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