Dear Faith Family,
As you have probably heard, we are beginning the process of making repairs and improvements to our church buildings, including new durable standing seam metal roofs, repairing and painting the eaves, new flooring and more comfortable seating in the sanctuary, making the chancel more accessible, and various repairs of sheetrock and water damage.
Our church Finance Committee is also engaged in the process of formulating our 2023 Statement of Faith (our church budget) and need to know what tithes and offerings to expect from our membership in order to be good stewards of our spending.
With that in mind, we have decided to begin 1) a Capital Campaign to raise $30,000 to go toward our repairs by March 1st and 2) a Stewardship Campaign to learn what General Funds we can expect to come in 2023 to ensure the fiscal health of the church for the exciting year ahead.
We ask that you prayerfully consider what contributions you are willing to commit to care for our buildings through the Capital Campaign and what tithes of funds, time, and talents you are able to provide in 2023 to support our General Fund and on-going ministries.
Forms to make your Capital Campaign Pledge and to make your Pledge to the Stewardship Campaign for 2023 will be made available on Realm and also printed out and available at the church. Please see below links and a QR code so that you can easily contribute to the continual adventures of work and service that lie ahead for us as we continue to grow and be a beacon of light and hope and a safe refuge for all at Faith Church!
Philip Graves, Vice Moderator Church council.
Building Fund Pledge Link:
Annual Pledge Link:
Give Now QR code: