In the coming weeks, be watching for details about an exciting fund- and visibility-raiser for Faith Church. New member, Philip Graves, is an ultra-runner, meaning he does very long runs and has multiple 50-mile races under his belt…or laces!
He plans to do a 24-hour training race in December and then do a 100-mile run along the Lone Star Hiking Trail in February. To provide emotional support to him, make the process more fun, and to help the congregation, Philip has offered for us to use his races as a run-a-thon to raise funds for the church.
Folks will be invited to pledge an amount per mile that Philip runs, with all proceeds going to Faith Church. Council has approved this and we will get more formal details to you in next months Glimpses of Faith newsletter.
Til then, start a mayonnaise jar to collect change to put toward your pledge, consider where on social media and in print and local news you could help publicize this fundraiser, and keep Philip in your prayers for wise and injury-free training for these two big events.