As our congregation grows, so do our leadership needs. We will have 2 spots open on Council for 2023. If you would like to be considered or suggest someone else for consideration, please contact a member of Council. Council is also discussing whether to:
Option 1) develop a Programs Sub-Committee to oversee our day to day ministries (worship, fellowship, mission, pastoral care, outreach, Christian education, fellowship, outreach, etc.) which will allow Council to focus on administrative tasks (staffing and HR, stewardship and finance, building and grounds, etc.) OR
Option 2) ask the congregation to vote to change our Constitution to allow for a larger Council (from the current 6 to 10-12 Council members) that will be organized with half focusing on Programs and half focusing on Administration.
Eventually, the ideal Council will be organized like Option 2, with various Teams (a.k.a. Committees) doing research, planning, and making recommendations for Council to vote upon in both areas (Programs and Administration) rather than Council doing all the legwork and implementation.
Please prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to participate in supporting the life and ministry of Faith Church through service on our Teams and even by taking a 2-year seat on Council.