Tag: newsletter (Page 11 of 32)

Scripture as Template for Development by Fr. Richard Rohr

Walter Brueggemann, one of my favorite Scripture scholars, discovered that the Hebrew Scriptures, in their development, reflect the development of human consciousness. Before we delve into the first half of life, it is helpful to use this model as an overview of the whole of life.

Brueggemann says there are three major segments to the Hebrew Scriptures. The first five books, or the Torah, correspond to the first half of life. The Torah is the period in which the people of Israel were given law, tradition, structure, certitude, order, clarity, authority, safety, and specialness. It would define them and give them their identity and hold them together.

You have to begin with some kind of Torah in normal healthy development. And it sure helps to believe that you are the “chosen people.” That’s what parents are giving their little ones—security, safety, specialness. The possibility of divine election is first mediated and made possible through the loving gaze of your parents and those around you (even neurologically).

The second major section of the Hebrew Scriptures is called The Prophets. This introduces the necessary “stumbling stones” that initiate you into the second half of life. Prophetic thinking is the necessary capacity for healthy self-criticism, the ability to recognize your own dark side, as the prophets did for Israel. Without that, most people (and most of religion) never move beyond tribal thinking, which is the belief that they and their group are the best, and really the “only.” It creates narcissism instead of any possibility of enlightenment.

If the psyche moves in normal sequence, the leaven of self-criticism added to the certainty of your own specialness will allow you to move to the third section of the Hebrew Scriptures: the Wisdom Literature, represented best in many of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, and the Book of Job. Here you move into the language of mystery and paradox. This is the second half of life. You are strong enough now to hold together contradictions, even in yourself, even in others. And you can do so with compassion, forgiveness, patience, and tolerance. But we don’t move toward the second half until we’ve gone through the other two states. The best sequence, therefore, is order-disorder-synthesis.

Death of Barbara Jaroszewski

I received the sad news Thursday morning that one of our Durable Saints (homebound members), Barbara Jaroszewski, was ill and had been hospitalized but was thought to be improving. However, she died in her sleep overnight. 

The family is planning a graveside service at 1:30pm Friday the 18th at Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park followed by a reception at the church at 3:00pm. 

Please let me know who among you could help organize the reception.  I do not yet know if the family will provide the food or if we will be asked to. 

Please be watching for more information in Sunday’s announcements. 

May we keep all those who love and mourn her in your prayers as we thank God for her loving presence among us.

Welcome New Members to Faith Church!

Please join me in welcoming our newest members:
Carra McNamara Myers
Molly Dixon and her twins, Gabriel and Grace Quentin

Molly Dixon and her twins, Gabriel and Grace Quentin

We moved to New Braunfels 3 years ago.  We love to hike, go the lake, and visit Landa park as often as possible. 

We all were born in Ohio and enjoy the beautiful Texas weather in the fall, winter, and spring.  We also have two older brothers that live in Florida and Arizona.  We love to travel and visit family and are so excited to join the church. 

Carra McNamara Myers

Being a 3rd generation San Antonio native, I take great pride in this city.  The Alamo Heights neighborhood has been my stomping ground, so it is no surprise my home, shared with my partner, Vicki, is here. 

Left town long enough to graduate from Texas Tech University to return and begin my 36 year passion with teaching.  Later received my Masters from The University of the Incarnate Word.  I taught everything from Elementary Physical Education to Sociology with a sprinkle of Special Education.  

My children stand out as my greatest achievement.  Both my son and daughter have grown into successful and independent thinking adults.  They also join me in the quest for social justice!  The three who have my heart are my grandchildren.  They bring me more joy than I thought possible. 

Upon retiring from teaching, I was blessed to live my dream by founding a nonprofit for underserved girls in the Bexar County area!  During free time I enjoy traveling, gardening, reading and serving on numerous nonprofit boards. 

I was looking for a church home when I was introduced to Faith UCC.  The beliefs and direction of Faith align with mine and I am thrilled to be a member!

Heart of Texas Association News and Newsletter

Heart of Texas Association Spring Meeting @ Sat Apr 30, 2022 10am – 1pm (CDT)

There will be a zoom option (more info coming) but we hope that as many that are able and willing to come in person will as there is a possibility that we will have 1) an ecclesiastical council and 2) the welcoming of a church new start into full membership.

Please plan on attending and/or sending your church representatives so we can meet quorum, but even more importantly, we can live as fully and joyfully into our covenantly relationship.

10:00-10:30 Registration and Gathering Time
10:30 Business Meeting Begins

Working on lunch options. If any church would like to sponsor, please reach out to Carl Schwartz-King at [email protected].

Prayers as our time of Epiphany ends and we move through Ash Wednesday this week and on into Lent. 

Click here to read the newsletter.

May you be Filled to the Brim!


Rev. Nikki Stahl
Heart of Texas Association Minister
cell: 512-751-3557
[email protected]

Upcoming Stewardship Webinars

Submitted by Rev. Phil Hodson, SCC Conference Minister

As we move through these unusual times in the life of the church, one of the challenges I’m hearing in many of our congregations surrounds giving. Our friends in the Wisconsin Conference have created a series of online stewardship courses to help congregations consider these concerns, and I encourage you to check them out! Each opportunity has a unique registration button so that you can select those most relevant to your local church. These are offered at no cost, and I hope you’ll be able to participate!


Keep reading for webinar descriptions & session registration…

An opportunity to support Ukraine…

The UCC is working with relief agencies through the Reformed Church in Hungary to “provide shelter, food, and other care to war refugees and internally displaced people” as well as “refugees and asylum seekers from African, Middle Eastern, and other countries who had sought refuge in Ukraine and now are twice displaced…”

One Faith Church family has anonymously donated $1,000 in addition to their regular tithes and offerings to Faith Church to donate toward these efforts. They invite other Faith families to do the same. By Wednesday, March 16th, all monies collected through Faith Church will be sent to the UCC to add our efforts to those of our Global Partners seeking to care for those facing unimaginable horrors.  

To give in addition to your regular tithes and offerings, please designate in the memo or message (on-line giving) area that you want your extra gift to go to support the people of Ukraine.  May God bless us as we seek solutions to this tragedy, and the tragedy of all armed conflict in our world.

A Note from Pastor Carla


In recent weeks I have been calling us to a new level of Biblical literacy, reclaiming Scripture from those who twist it control and shame rather than liberate and heal.  To that end, during Lent I am asking you to do 3 things:

1) Get a good study Bible in the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).  These study Bibles have notes, introductions, references, etc. to help you as we learn together to better decipher Scripture in a life-giving way.  The NRSV is considered one of the most accurate translations available today.  I recommend the New Interpreters Study Bible put out by Abingdon Press.  You can get a hardback copy for $20-30 on Amazon or Cokesbury for about $38 and it’s well worth the investment.

If you choose another study Bible, do some research to see if the editors and commentators are more conservative or non-conservative as each one has their own agenda and spin on scripture that will lead them to write in a way that encourages a literal perspective, which is what we are trying to avoid.

2) Join us for the study of Marcus Borg’s, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking Scripture Seriously but Not Literally.  It is a terrific introduction to really understanding Scripture for ourselves in a new way that opens it up rather than close us, and our hearts, down.

3) Make a practice of reading the Lectionary Texts assigned for each Sunday during Lent.  These are the Scriptures we choose to read from and base sermons upon in most churches from the Reformed tradition.  The Lectionary goes in 3-year cycles.  Right now, we are in Year C and you can scroll down to the Scriptures for the coming Sunday.  For instance, this Sunday, February 20th, we are in the Seventh Sunday After Epiphany and the passages for that date can be found here https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/texts.php?id=113 

Read these throughout the week. Use the study Bible to read the introduction to the book of the Bible you are reading and the notes for the passage.  See if you can find a common theme and use what you are learning from the Borg study to decipher more about what God might want to speak to us today through those words.  By the time Sunday comes, you’ll better understand the liturgy and sermon (at least I hope what I say makes sense!)

When interpreting scripture, ask yourself, “What’s the healthiest, most loving, most life-giving and liberating translation of this passage that the Creator and Sustainer of Life would want for us and for others?”  For instance:

Does the passage the way you have been taught it or are currently understanding it encourage shame, being small, tolerating mistreatment, allowing others to not be their best selves, not setting boundaries, not speaking up on behalf of yourself or others? 

Then it does not meet this criterion. 

Does it encourage judgment of others, feeling better about oneself than others, committing character assassination or critique of others as a person, calling THEM OUT in shame rather than calling their BEHAVIOR FORTH to something better, seeing oneself in the passage as hero or victim so that either way the passage is all about you?

Then it does not meet this criterion. 

But does it encourage gentleness and compassion, generosity and patience, for yourself and for others, but with healthy boundaries that lead to right relationship? 

Does it call you to forgiveness, not for their sake, but for yours, while also giving you room to love from a distance when someone is not being their best selves?

Does it comfort you that you are beloved and God is on your side and sees you as worthy, while also reminding you God is on the side of those who consider themselves your enemy and while God may be aggrieved at their behavior sees them as worthy and wants their transformation and salvation, too? 

Does it remind you that God wants both the oppressed and oppressor that exist within us and within others, free from the systems that keep us all held down?

Does it challenge you to give freely in service to God and others while reminding you to pour from your saucer and not your cup so that you have something of yourself left to continue giving for the long term, remembering that this life thing is a marathon and not a sprint so we need to save some reserves for the next task God puts before us?

Does it keep you right-sized—not too small, not too big—and does it help you keep others in perspective, too—not good guys or bad guys—but everyone as just another human on the planet trying to figure this life-thing out?

If it does these things, then it meets that criterion.

Jesus called forth those who used power and privilege to oppress and/or neglect others.  Jesus comforted those who were oppressed and neglected.  God created all life and all artists who create know what it is to want their art to do the most good in the world.  Why should we believe Scripture would be used to do anything less?  Why would the Creator and Sustainer of Life want anything for us that is anything but Life-Giving?

So, let’s reclaim Scripture, which means we cannot be intellectually lazy.  Yes, it can seem hard, but learning the tools to be better able to decipher passages used abusively is our command from God. 

In 1st Peter 3:15, we are told to, “always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you.”  Our conservative siblings of faith take this literally AND seriously and are thus able to shift the narrative and convince people into believing that they are somehow less than loveable by God.  It is up to us to reclaim Scripture and be informed enough to offer an alternative Christian voice that KNOWS SCRIPTURE WELL ENOUGH to lovingly call bull on anything that leaves God’s kids feeling excluded from Christ’s table. 

I invite you to join me, this Lenten Season, in deepening our literacy and reclaiming Scripture.

Peace, Carla

2-3 Year Old Class / Nursery Attendants or Pledges Needed Immediately Please!

Churches do not grow and thrive, or survive, without families.  Families have been wanting and waiting for us to resume Children’s Programming, so they feel comfortable attending with their littles. 

We are SO grateful for the renewed energy in our midst, but if we do not have quality programming available for them, they will not feel welcome and will not return.

We are in need of 3 Children’s Church teachers total each week—one for the 2-3 Year Old/Nursery Class, one for the Younger (pre-K through 1st Grade) children, one for the Older (2nd through 5th Grade) children, and one floater to help as needed and maintain safe protocols for all. 

If you would like to volunteer, or pledge extra for the year to help hire a Nursery Attendant for our littlest ones, please contact Pastor Carla or Pam Robinson.

Announcements, Reminders, and Upcoming Events

Rides for Members? For those members wishing to participate in our events but who do not feel comfortable driving in the dark, if you would be willing to give them a ride to and from events that end later in the day, please let Pastor Carla or Janet know so we can help arrange these.

Return to In-Person Worship  As of February 13th, we returned to in-person worship.  Those who are fully vaccinated (and those children not yet eligible for the vaccine) are welcome to mask and distance in the sanctuary with us each week and for events.  Those not yet vaccinated are welcome to join us via Zoom.  Our folks have done well with protecting one another, we pay extra for MERV-rated filters designed to filter our viruses from our air in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall, and have purchased air purifiers with HEPA filters for our Children’s Church rooms.  Unless a more deadly strain of the virus comes along or our hospitals become stretched thin once again, we will remain in-person for worship for the foreseeable future. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Carla or a member of Council:

Rev. Bill Burns (Moderator)
Philip Graves (Vice-Moderator)
Charlie Robinson (Secretary)
Michelle Perry (Treasurer)
Mikki Ward
Sam Ward

Merging and Updating of Member Rolls  As people move in and out of our community in the ebb and flow of life, it can be easy, especially during times like this pandemic, for us to lose touch with our members.  Council will be inviting persons to both help update our current Membership Rolls and to join a Phone Tree of sorts to help maintain contact with one another as a congregation each month.  Be watching for ways you can help these efforts.

Theology on Tap 2/27 4:00-5:15pm at 5-Stone Brewery  Join us for what is sure to be another great time of sharing and asking questions of one another.  This month, we will meet on the grounds of 5-Stone Brewery (which should be FAR less crowded than they were for their Christmas event!).  Bring a friend, your kids, your pup, and perhaps an extra chair so we can gather somewhere quiet and to ourselves.  Stay afterward for more food and drink and for the Hymn and Hops Hymn Sing 6:00-7:00pm  We will work to arrange rides for those who do not wish to drive after dark, so bring a chair and join us!

Adult Sunday School Resumes March 6th 9:00-10:15am  Rev. Bill and Florence Burns will be leading a book discussion of Dr. Beverly Brown Tatum’s Book, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations Around Race.”  Contact Bill and Florence for more information. 

As we gather more volunteer support for our Children’s Christian Education programs, we will seek to make something available for kids during this time so all parents may attend.  Please give us time as we re-build, and come help by volunteering to teach by contacting Pam Robinson and Chrissy Gossett!

Newsletter Deadline  In order to help facilitate communication after Council meetings the second Tuesday of each month, we will begin sending out our monthly Glimpses of Faith Newsletter in the week after Council meets.  For March, please provide all Newsletter articles to Pastor Carla and Janet by March 7th for release later that week.

Lenten Book Study—Marcus Borg’s Reading the Bible Again for the First Time  We will hold this book study in person in the Fellowship Hall and via Zoom from 6:30-7:45pm Wednesday evenings (rides available for those who do not wish to drive in the dark) March 23rd continuing every other week (4/6, 4/20, and 5/4).  Bill Burns purchased some extra copies you can purchase from him and others ordered them through Half-Price Books with no-charge delivery.  Make plans to join us for an incredible time of sharing and learning together!

Interfaith Pride Service  Riverside Pride Fest was such a huge success last year that it is moving to the much larger venue of the Comal County Fairgrounds just down Common St. from the church and will be Saturday, June 11th.  Event organizers have given permission for Faith Church to host an interfaith worship service of supportive faith communities and persons of faith to show our LGBTQ+ siblings that God does love and affirm them, and so do we! 

Other faith communities in New Braunfels and the surrounding areas are being invited, a committee is being formed to begin planning, and our own active and retired clergy at Faith Church will be asked to vest and process for the service.  It is tentatively scheduled for 6:30pm Thursday, June 9th, but that date may change to earlier in the week if schedule conflicts become apparent.  To help plan for and/or support this service, reach out to Pastor Carla.

Tiny Home Exploration Update  Pastor Carla, Sarah Dixon (Executive Director of Family Promise), and Melissa Elizondo met recently with various staff from the City of New Braunfels, including the head of Zoning and Planning, to discuss the possibility of a Tiny Home Community being placed on our property.  They were very encouraging and appear to want to help find an easy way for this project to move forward.  An architect is drawing up a rendering of what the whole project and each tiny home would look like to present to the City, who will then work to let us know what the way forward could look like. 

Once these things are answered, Church Leadership will meet with support persons from our Insurance Board to discuss what this could mean for the future growth opportunities at Faith Church and mean for our own insurance liabilities.  Once this information is all obtained, we will come to the congregation for a much longer and larger discussion, answering all questions before considering a vote on whether to move forward.        

In the meantime, Pastor Carla has begun meeting with other groups working to address housing insecurity in New Braunfels known collectively as the Homeless Coalition.  Representatives from the McKenna Foundation, City of New Braunfels, Crisis Center of Comal Co., First Footing, Family Promise, Serve Spot, Hill Country MHDD, Connections Individual and Family Services, Workforce Housing Committee, Next Step, and more are coming together to organize and share resources as we seek to address the growing problem our community is facing.

Help Needed to Support Our Missions  Pastor Carla and Faith Church needs:

*at least 2 people to help attend this monthly Homeless Coalition zoom meeting. 

*1-2 people to help re-establish Faith Church’s connection with the Refugee Network

*1-2 people to help Mike Ziegler decide on microloan lending to various recipients each month

Contact Pastor Carla if you feel called to help support these mission efforts by being a contact person to help relay needs back to the congregation and keep us all informed of what is happening in each of these areas.

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