Tag: monthly (Page 28 of 32)

Comal County Senior Citizen Christmas Wreath Fundraiser

Due to COVID-19, the Comal County Senior Citizen Foundation had to cancel our Festival Of Trees fundraiser scheduled for December. The decision was made to cancel this fundraising event for the safety of the general public and our senior population. The CCSCF is now attempting to raise funds with our Online Holiday Wreath Auction. We are requesting your donation of a Christmas Wreath and also hoping you will check out our online selection to purchase for yourself.  All funds will be used for our Senior Wellness programs which includes our multi-county Meals on Wheels program.

 Please review the information below and contact me if you would like to be part of our FIRST Online Holiday Wreath Auction & Sale.

  • Any size wreath will be accepted.
  • No minimum or maximum dollar amount requirements.
  • Wreaths may be donated from one person, a team of people, churches & companies.
  • The sooner you confirm your participation enables your company logo to be on advertising materials.   
  • Please send company logo with reply of confirmation to participate.
  • ALL Holiday Wreaths MUST be delivered to the Comal Senior center between Sept 30th & November 16th.
  • The auction will be a 100% online fundraiser. No public viewing at Senior Center address.
  • Wreaths may be self-made or store bought.
  • Online Auction will run 3 days, November 17th, 18th & 19th.
  • Winners of Auction can pick up wreaths on Nov. 20th at Senior Center address.
  • You may donate more than one wreath.

Thank you for any support you can give us at this time. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Linda Null

Membership & Activities Director

655 Landa St. New Braunfels Tx 78130


[email protected]

Slumber Falls Camp Updates

Slumber Falls Camp 2020 Fall Work Weekend 10/23-10/25

Having two work weekends worked out so well in 2019, we are excited to do again this year!

Please join us for fun, good food, hard work and fellowship in this season of pandemic.  We will of course be practicing social distancing and mask wearing when doing projects inside but most things will be outside.

We will be finishing up transitioning from summer camp mode to retreat group / family group mode and prepping the property for winter.  We are currently compiling the project list and will share it soon.

Please remember if you or someone in your family needs volunteer hours for school, college applications or court mandated community service hours…this counts!  There is no cost for the weekend, but Love Offerings are always appreciated.  Lodging, Saturday breakfast, lunch and supper and Sunday breakfast are all provided.

Water of Life – Well #1 Repairs

While SFC is currently running a COVID Campaign to mitigate the financial state of the camp as a result of the pandemic, we also are seeking donations to cover the expenses of repairing Well #1.  In mid-August, both wells on the property went down.  While we were able to repair Well #2 in house, Well #1 faced more serious issues.  The pump on Well #1 seized up and burnt a section of electrical wiring.  We called in Kutscher Drilling in to replace the pump, a section of pipe, and wiring, which amount to $2,800.  A day before they came, the water reservoir tank in Well #1 sprang a leak.  David Lamensky is helping us repair the tank, but we are reaching out for donations to cover this non-budgeted repair expense.  If you have a passion for water, bathing/showering, or even drinking it in some form or fashion, consider giving a donation to the Water of Life effort so that others may experience the joys that come from fresh well water.

From the Pastor – October 2020

Usually when a pastor leaves a church he or she is going to another church and so they leave the area and are not available to do weddings and funerals, etc.   I am planning to retire and stay here in New Braunfels.  Even though I will still be in the area.  PLEASE do not ask me to perform any pastoral/professional functions.  The UCC “A Pastoral Vacancy: Guidelines for the Departing Pastor and the Governing Board” is quite clear on this:

“The personal relationships established within a parish setting sometimes make it difficult for both the pastor and the people to remember that the role is a professional one governed by a professional code of ethics.  And that code of ethics mandates that the professional relationship cease at the end of the term of service in a church.  As a pastor, you have an ethical obligation not to ‘intrude upon the ministry of my successor.”  Intrusion includes performing pastoral services (funerals, weddings, baptisms) as well as conversing with members about church life or decisions the church is considering.” 

As you can see the guidelines are quite clear on this and I would ask your help in helping me honor these guidelines.  When my predecessor, Rev. Lee Zillmann left Faith UCC to take up a position as a chaplain in the local hospital he followed these guidelines and it made my transition to being the pastor of Faith UCC much easier.  I want to do the same for whoever follows me, for both the interim and whoever the settled pastor will be.  

This also means that I will not be attending Faith UCC when I retire.  Instead, I will be attending other UCC churches in the area.

Please understand that this does not mean I won’t continue to care about you individually or for the church, far from it.  I value my relationship with each and every one of you highly and will continue to do so.  I will also continue to care very much about Faith UCC church.  I’ve only served four churches in my career and it is not an overstatement to say that God has blessed me greatly by allowing me to serve Faith UCC these last 15 years.  In many respects God saved the best for last.  I will continue to pray for you and for Faith UCC church.  I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words to the church in Philippi, his favorite church, “I thank God every time I remember you, constantly praying with you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.  I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.”  (Phil 1:3-6)            

Grace and Peace,  Pastor Scott

Heart of Texas Association News

     Jewel Johnson, our brother in Christ and Pastor Emeritus of St. Peter’s Church of Coupland, died Thursday, July 2nd.  He served St. Peter’s for 17 years, starting in 1955 for four years and returning in 1968. In this Association, he also served as pastor of St. John’s UCC in Burton, St. John’s in Richland, and Trinity United Church of Niederwald.  Beyond the Heart of Texas, Jewel pastored churches in Dallas, Illinois, and Nebraska.  He and his wife, Mary, who passed away in 2016, lived a rich life of service and commitment. Jewel was a committed peace and justice activist, a beloved pastor, a joyous singer, and a devoted husband and father.  He has given all of us a marvelous example of Christian ministry and faithfulness. We give thanks for Jewel and for the rich and full life he lived as we commend him to God’s eternal love and life. 

     This month, we say farewell to our brother in Christ, Ron Trimmer, and his sons Ben and Aaron.  Ron has accepted a call to Lake Ozark Christian Church in Lake Ozark, Missouri.  He has served as the founding pastor of Hope United in Georgetown for the past 10 years and served at Friedens Church of Washington for several years before that.  He and Jan married in Washington, and they moved together with the boys to Georgetown with the shared commitment to the work of starting Hope United. We are grateful, too, for all he has given to the wider church and community.  He has been the chair of the Brazos Association Committee on Ministry, has served for a number of years as the chair of the South Central Conference New and Renewing Churches Committee, and has connected in many ways in the Georgetown community. Ron is a good friend to many of us. We send the Trimmer family off with love and prayers as they go to serve at Lake Ozark and to be closer to Ron’s family in the St. Louis area.

     Our prayers are with the churches in the Heart of Texas Association who are in transition at this most challenging time.  These include Hope United, United Christian in Austin, Evangelical UCC in Lyons, and Weimar UCC.  We have others that have had pastoral changes this spring since the pandemic began, including Bethany Congregational in San Antonio and Church of the Savior in Cedar Park.  I know all of you are working to find the path God is calling you to follow, and we pray that the ministries of all of our churches will continue to be full and faithful.

Blessings in Christ,  Liz Nash, Association Minister

Thank You from Back Bay Mission

      Thank you for your generous gift to Back Bay Mission!  Your gift makes it possible to ensure help for the low-income and homeless people that are being seriously impacted by this pandemic.

     As we move through this pandemic to a place of relative stability, the needs of the people we serve will be deeper.  Many will not be able to return to their old jobs due to the loss of businesses and we will be assisting many new clients looking for restorative resources to resume their lives.  As demonstrated after Hurricane Katrina and the Deep Water Horizon Oil Disaster this is a resilient community that will need support to find new pathways to sustainability.  So, with your help, we can be there for people struggling to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, the utilities on.  Homeless residents will continue needing basic necessities such as showering, having clean clothes, respite space as well as access to case management..

    The vast majority of the people we serve do not want to live in poverty and they don’t want a handout.  They want the chance to move forward.  And your gift provides that chance.

Thank you for your generous gift!

Rev. Alice Graham, Ph.D.,  Executive Director

Thank You from Family Promise

On behalf of the Board, staff, and guests   of Family Promise of Greater New     Braunfels, I want to express our heart-felt appreciation for Faith’s gift of $500.00  received on 7/7/2020!

Your donation truly is a blessing to families struggling with the challenges of homelessness.  Your support has given 52 families with children in our community the opportunity to move from homelessness into a secure, stable home.  Thank you for helping to ensure a bright, hopeful future to families in need!

Sincerely,  Sarah Dixon. Executive Director Family Promise of Greater New Braunfels

From the Pastor – August 2020

We are all familiar with the apocalyptic image from the Bible of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, one of which is pestilence.  In the Bible the Apocalypse is the end of life as we have known it.  We get caught up in the gory devastation of apocalyptic imagery in the Bible: Armageddon,  blood red moon and other signs,  the Four Horsemen I mentioned, etc. but ultimately apocalyptic writings are about hope.

The word apocalypse means “to reveal” or “to unveil”.  In a recent Christian Century article Martha Tatarnic points out that “horrifying and beautiful truths are being revealed to us in these apocalyptic days of COVID 19”.  The systemic injustices around us that affect minority groups and economic polarization is on full display.  We have also seen all across this planet how human beings can work together and change radically in response to an emergency.  We have seen how this world on which we live is inextricably bound together.  The air I breathe becomes the air you breathe.  We can distribute wealth more justly.  We can find housing for the homeless.  We can change our entrenched routines when it is necessary to do so.  We have seen how our choices affect the whole planet’s ecosystems. 

Tantric concludes her article with these words, “We can choose to align our lives with the God of compassion and healing.  Or we can choose to keep trying to cobble together the teetering house of cards that is this claim that we can operate outside the bonds of relationship.  We can choose, but the truth that one of these paths leads nowhere but to death is now impossible to ignore.”  What will this crisis reveal about the human race?  What choice will we make?  What choice will each of us make?

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Scott

Heart of Texas Association News – July 2020

As many of you know, our Association sets aside money in our scholarship fund each year to award as scholarships to our seminary students. Also, we are able to award some of the Greg Felder Memorial Scholarship money in this effort. The current awards are going to Betty McDaniel at Chicago Theological Seminary; Rene Slataper at Lexington Theological Seminary who is transferring to Chicago Theological Seminary beginning this fall; and Brooke Dooley at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth on the TCU campus All are earning their Master of Divinity degree and are Members in Discernment in the Heart of Texas Association. Both Betty and Rene are in the online programs at their schools, programs that allow them to work in their home cities and area churches while pursuing seminary degrees. The students apply for these scholarships through our Association scholarship committee. Our Association website, http://hotaucc.org/, has a page to congratulate them that also tells how to inquire about scholarship applications.

Our South Central Conference Annual Meeting was held online for the first time on Saturday morning, June 13th. While it was a loss not to gather face to face in a more extended time together in friendship and worship, the meeting was done in an excellent way that reflected the hard work of Board President Nikki Stahl and several others who helped put it together. There was uplifting music and outstanding worship in the recorded video offered by Houston Association churches; video reports including an opportunity to hear from our new Consulting Conference Minister Campbell Lovett; screen sharing that helped us with minutes, financial reports, understanding bylaw changes that were voted on and adopted, and the slate of nominations; a lovely tribute to Rev. Dr. Alice Graham, the outstanding Executive Director of Back Bay Mission who is retiring at the end of the year; a tribute of gratitude to Jim Blume, our long-time SCC attorney who has given us so much over the years and has now retired: a well-crafted agenda that helped us move along in a timely way that also allowed for discussion; and a time for video break-out rooms that allowed small groups of us to gather and talk. As many of us are finding out, there are new opportunities to be creative and connect that many of us will very likely use in the future as we go back to worship in person. Many thanks to our Conference leadership for this meeting.

At the meeting, we elected new representatives for our Association, and we continue to have others serving on our behalf. We elected Bainie Wild from St. John’s UCC, Burton, to the South Central Conference Board of Directors and Rev. Jenny Russell from Touchstone Community Church, Boerne, to the Nominating Committee. Carl Brown from Trinity Church of Austin continues to serve on the SCC Board of Directors; Rev. Nikki Stahl from United Christian, Austin, continues as President of the SCC Board; Rev. Peter Bauer from Faith UCC, New Braunfels, and Andrew Roblyer from Friends Congregational UCC, College Station continue as General Synod delegates; Josh Mata from United Christian, Phillip Gullen from Friends Congregational, and Jerry Carpenter, retired pastor of Weimar UCC, continue as General Synod alternate delegates; and Cindy Miller from St. John’s UCC, Burton continues on the Nominating Committee.  As the chair of the SCC Nominating Committee, I also thank Rev. Trent Williams and Rev. Peter Bauer for their SCC Board service as they finish their terms as representative and secretary.

Blessings in Christ, Liz Nash, Association Minister

From the Pastor – July 2020

We have been hearing a lot about history as confederate statues are being torn down or moved off of public squares to storage lockers and perhaps museums in the future. The great Southern author William Faulkner wrote, “The past is never dead, it is not even past.” Another Southerner, Martin Luther King once said, “We are not makers of history.  We are made by history.”  

Every single human being is shaped by history. The history of their families and the history of everywhere they have ever lived. The roots of history that shape us goes far beyond our memories and remembrance and are lost in the mists of time.  The Bible talks about the sins of the present generation affecting generations seven generations from now! I trust that this is also true of the good things each generation does. 

This is one reason so much of the Bible, especially the Hebrew Scriptures that Christians call the Old Testament, is history. Now let it be said that the older history is the more likely it will be mythologized. Often it is scrubbed clean of any negative connotations. The heroes and heroines are made more heroic and come to be seen as paragons of the values a nation or people prioritize. They sometimes come to be more than they ever were in life.

I was reading an article about how white Christians were often complicit in Jim Crow laws and segregation.  MLK correctly observed, “it is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” This was true in the 1960’s and long before that. Sadly it is still mostly true today, some 60 years after MLK made the observation. It is hard to overcome history. It is hard to learn the lessons of history because we don’t look at the whole historical record. We tend to pick and chose what history we remember. 

We need to learn from history, not a sanitized version of history but history as near to how it happened as we can get. This will mean listening to the voices of the oppressed, to the weak, to those who all too often are ignored or run over by history.  Archbishop Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, once said, “History will not tell us then what to do, but will at least start us on the road to action of a different and more self-aware kind, action that is moral in a way it can’t be if we have no points of reference beyond what we have come to take for granted.” 

Grace and Peace, Pastor Scott

South Central Conference Annual Meeting

The South Central Conference will be holding its annual meeting on Saturday, June 13th.   Originally it was going to be held in Houston but because of the covid 19 virus it was decided to hold it via zoom.  The deadline to register was this past Friday, June 5, unless they extend it.

Along with the usual voting on nominees for conference positions, voting on the budge, etc. a vote will be held on by law amendments. 

The Conference is not collecting Back Bay Mission Hygiene kits this year.  If you wish to make a donation to their Hygiene Kit fund please use this link:

If you wish to donate to the South Central Conference, please use this link: https://sccucc.org/donate/

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