Tag: monthly (Page 23 of 32)

Donations Needed for Asylum Seekers 5/22


What: A donation drive for asylum seekers at our southern border.

BABIES: Diapers & pull-ups (all sizes), baby wipes, baby bottles, extra bottle nipples, baby wash cloths, baby food pouches/packets (NOT jars), powdered infant formula.

HYGIENE, TRAVEL OR HOTEL SIZE: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap (liquid or bar), sanitary napkins (all sizes, no tampons), hairbrush, comb, shampoo, hair ties, scrunchies, lip balm (Chapstick).

CLOTHING: (If used, please launder). Children’s underwear, all sizes, girls & boys (new), children’s clothing, infant–age 8, girls & boys, children’s tennis shoes, toddler-age 8, girls & boys, infant’s to children’s size 8 socks, women’s underwear, sizes 5-7 (new), adult long-sleeve shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, lightweight sweaters, (women’s size sm & med), men’s (size me.

WE WANT TO MEET YOU ON MAY 22 WHEN YOU DROP OFF DONATIONS! But if you can’t stop by…. Early drop-offs welcome at Democratic Headquarters on Tues & Thurs, 10:00am – 6:00pm, Sat, 9:00am – 2:00pm. Donations by check can be sent to Memo “DWCC”, make checks payable to UUNB. Mail or drop off at UUNB (church) 135 Alves LN, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Donate online to https://InterfaithWelcomeCoalition.org/donate.

Also in need of boxes, bins and reusable grocery bags.

When conditions for asylum seekers at the border became intolerable in 2017-18, faith-based organizations stepped up to provide humanitarian aid. The Interfaith Welcome Coalition (IWC) in San Antonio, with which DWCC has worked in the past, manages enormous efforts from central Texas to southern border locations. DWCC will transport donations to the border where they will be distributed by an IWC affiliate, El Buen Samaritano Migrante. Money donations will be accepted and tracked by IWC and another affiliate, Unitarian Universalists of New Braunfels. Donations are tax deductible.

Comal County Democratic Headquarters

1592 West San Antonio Street
New Braunfels, TX

Download a flyer below to share!

SCC Nominations Requested


The SCC Nominating Committee is announcing the following positions open for nomination to be filled to serve with the South Central Conference Board.

You may self nominate or nominate another member, willing to serve, by placing the name and position nominated for in writing via e-mail to:

Yvette W. Scales, Chair, Nominating Committee ([email protected]); or to: Cindy Miller, Secretary, Nominating Committee ([email protected]).

VICE PRESIDENT – clergy preferred (2yrs)
Association Representative – Houston (2023)
Association Representative – New Orleans (2024)
Association Representative – North Texas (2024)

Heart of Texas – Clergy
Houston Association Representative – Clergy
New Orleans Association Representative – Lay

Houston – Clergy

Submitted by Yvette Scales, Chair of Nominating Committee

Resilience and the Practice of Pivoting – Congregational Consulting Group

Submitted by Campbell Lovett, SCC Interim Conference Minister

Over this past year, we have had to pivot—in our personal lives, as religious leaders, and in our organizations. We have found ways to be resourceful in ways we didn’t know we could. Perhaps we have even sensed a capacity to be resilient in order to navigate intense and unforeseen challenges. Resilience is often understood as the capacity to “bounce back,” but I prefer to think of it as the ability to return again and again to what matters. In other words, to cultivate resilience, we must practice pivoting.

Learning to Pivot

Most of us first learned to pivot when we learned to walk as toddlers.

Stephen Hayes, developer of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Coaching, points out that babies learning to walk can take about 2400 steps an hour, the equivalent of 7 football fields. During that hour, babies fall, on average, about 17 times.

One researcher calculated that this experience means that in a single day, even if a baby walked only half of its waking hours it would cover forty-six football fields and fall a hundred times. During this ordeal of learning to walk, fall, and get up again that toddlers develop the stamina for pivoting.

By taking a series of short rocking steps and adjusting direction a little at a time, toddlers learn to pivot smoothly. Then they learn to shift from one direction to another. Only by pivoting do toddlers finally accomplish walking.

Likewise, in life and leadership we recover from our falls—our mistakes—and either learn from them or we don’t.

Continuing to Pivot

The capacity to pivot is of course not just physical. It’s also psychological, spiritual, and organizational. Without the capacity to pivot, we would have found it hard to navigate the adaptation this past year has required of us.

To pivot as religious leaders and organizations means to change directions when the direction we aspire toward doesn’t take us there. To pivot requires us to make U-turns or reorient ourselves. For some of us, pivoting may mean changing our pace. This may mean that we have to slow down our tendency to seize on a quick fix or a known strategy.

Organizational Routines

Oftentimes, as leaders and as congregation we are not as flexible in our actions as we imagine ourselves to be. Therefore, though we might intend to pivot—to change what we are doing—we may actually do the opposite.

The organizational learning practitioner, Chris Argyris, highlighted the frequent gap between what we know and what we actually do. He taught some skillful and disciplined ways of articulating our “espoused theory”—what we say we want to do—while also observing what actually occurs—our “theory in action.” Our capacity to pivot is often stifled by the what Argyris called “organizational routines.” These “defensive routines” are automatic and outside our conscious awareness. These routines attempt to prevent us from experiencing embarrassment or threat as leaders (or organizations), but the result is often just the opposite.

Organizational routines can prevent us from identifying and eliminating the real causes of embarrassment or threat. We end up not learning because we have defended ourselves from the very conditions that could prompt learning. As Argyris put it, “Organizational defensive routines are anti-learning, overprotective, and self-sealing.”

Christians will recognize this phenomenon. It was named by Paul in his letter to the Romans: “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.” (Romans 7:19)

Disciplines for an Age of Overwhelm

Learning is essential in this time. To learn, we need to practice pivoting. To align our actions with our deepest aspirations and values, we must redirect ourselves toward the actions that would take us there. Organizational routines are like tires spinning in deep mud—we spin and spin. We look like we are expending useful energy but in fact we’re getting nowhere.

Currently many of us are immobilized by our routines and the tremendous challenge we face every day. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky defines our time in the title of her book, the Age of Overwhelm. She encourages us to find “strategies for the long haul.” Quick fixes to complex situations will not suffice. Such strategies must necessarily include what I am calling practices of pivoting.

Some of the major pivots required of us during the uncertainty and upheavals of our time are not just in what we do, but how we do whatever it is we do. Van Dernoot Lipsky proposes that we need to find ways to move from:

  1. Less distraction toward more intention
  2. Less disconnection toward more presence
  3. Less attachment to what we know toward more curiosity
  4. Less depletion toward more stamina

These pivots require more than changing our actions. They call us as leaders to slow the process down, even when the clamor is to speed things up.

How would you assess your own leadership along these dimensions? How would you assess your congregation? Take a moment to do a quick rating of yourself on each of these dimensions:

I tend to practice:

  1. Distraction ←→ Intentionality
  2. Disconnection ←→ Presence
  3. Attachment to what I already know ←→ Curiosity
  4. Depletion ←→ Attention to stamina

Our organization tends to practice:

  1. Distraction ←→ Intentionality
  2. Disconnection ←→ Presence
  3. Attachment to what I already know ←→ Curiosity
  4. Depletion ←→ Attention to stamina


Here are some questions that you might find helpful to reflect upon individually or with a group of leaders:

  1. What are some of your organizational defensive routines that are “anti-learning, protective and self-sealing?”
  2. When you look at your rating of yourself and your congregation on the 4 practices listed above, are you and you congregation similar or different?
  3. What pivots do you feel motivated to make as a leader?
  4. What pivots would you recommend to your organization?

This past year has indeed evoked resourcefulness that most of us did not know we had. Mostly in response to significant challenges. We had to do something in order to navigate these challenges. In the next several months, how we manage ourselves within the “overwhelm” will be as important as what we do. In what ways will we foster intentionality, presence, curiosity, and careful attention to our stamina?

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UCC’s Indiana-Kentucky Conference hosting a two-session YouTube presentation on Preparing for Hybrid Worship

Submitted by Rev. Campbell Lovett, SCC Interim Conference Minister

If, like so many churches, you are trying to figure out who you’ll need to push the buttons, what tech to buy and build, and how to do both in-person and live-on-screen worship at the same time, this is the series for you. 

Session One: Time and Talent, premiering April 22nd at 6 pm EDT, helps you plan and prep. Find it here: https://youtu.be/9t-PFd2OsPA

Session Two: Tools and Tech, premiering April 29th at 6 pm EDT, helps you with gadgets and go live. Find it here: https://youtu.be/czsobF8w6KY Watch them both during the live premiers, or return to the Indiana-Kentucky Conference YouTube channel at your convenience and get the information and help you need to plan and host a hybrid worship service. It’s free!

Dates to Remember

Glimpses of Faith Newsletter Deadline for Articles
May 25, 2021

Community-Wide Blessing of the Hands for Healthcare and First Responders
June 7, 2021 (tentative date)

SCC Virtual Annual Meeting
June 12, 2021

UCC 2021 General Synod
July 11-18, 2021

From The Pastor – April 2021

Faithful Friends,

This season of Lent, I’ve asked us to take on gratitude as a new spiritual discipline, rather than sacrifice even more than we have already this year. 

Gratitude journals remain available in the Narthex of the church for adults (solid color books) and children (the smiley-faced ones) to use to write down each day things for which they are grateful.  Suggestions for gratitude exercises are also provided.

We do have so much to be grateful for—vaccines are rolling out in greater numbers, we survived SNOVID 2021, our committees are organizing greater work and mission of our congregation, our financial giving is growing, and new members are joining!

There also remain struggles in our lives and our world that hurt our hearts, fuel our anger, leave us questioning where God and goodness are, and have us reeling to know how to even begin to respond.   

In this month’s Glimpses of Faith Newsletter, you’ll read of the death of our former conference minister and friend to many, our current interim conference minister’s prophetic call to action in the face of yet another mass murder in our nation, opportunities to serve our faith family and our community, the chance to help teach our children how to engage in mission to support our world, and much more.

Joys and sorrows are interwoven, and yet we as a people of God look for the good not in a glory to come but in what is available to us in the gifts God gives each moment, even during the hardest of times. 

As followers of that radical advocate of justice and love, Jesus, we seek to BE the good by the ways we show up as co-creators of equality, peace, and extravagant welcome to all God’s children and each part of God’s creation. For what are you grateful?  In what ways do you feel called to BE God’s church in the world?  Where can you be the good you wish to see?  How can we follow Jesus in bringing change by changing ourselves, first, by loving and accepting ourselves and letting go of the fear that drives us to be less than our best selves?  Let us begin, right now, to live out our hope for a brighter future as people of God’s resurrection.

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7.


Pastor Carla

Tech Help Needed 4/18 & 4/25

Our fabulous tech gurus will be on vacation and not available for worship April 18th and 25th

We need to add members to our tech team on an on-going basis so the work is shared by several and feel easier on everyone! 

If you are willing to help with tech, particularly by learning now what is needed and being ready to help those two Sundays in April, contact me at [email protected]!

Thanks, in advance for helping make sure our virtual services remain a source of worship for many and stressless ease for those of us leading them!

Pastor Carla

KIDS & YOUTH—Help Us Loan Money April 14th at 6:00pm

KIDS & YOUTH—did you know that you have $1,406.71?!  We need your help spending it. 

Through your tithes and offerings your church has loaned $63,125 to people from 85 countries, through the KIVA microloan lending program, to help them start and run businesses and bring more financial health and freedom to themselves, their families, and communities. 

As they pay us back the money they’ve borrowed from us, we re-invest that money in other people.  We currently have $1,406.71 to loan to others, and we want our young ones’ help deciding to whom we should loan our support next.

PARENTS—We want to help teach our young about mission, about the plight of others less financially fortunate than us in the U.S. and around the world, how money and lending work, what a big difference every little bit they do for others can make, and how good it feels to work with God by serving God’s kids. 

We also want to help them engage with their pastor and other grownups in the congregation to help them feel connected with their greater Faith Family, and we need your help, as well!

Bring your kiddos and join me, Mike Ziegler, and Frank Dietz on Wednesday, April 14th at 6:00 pm for 30 to 45 minutes max as we demonstrate the KIVA program to you and your kids and get their help making our next round of loans. 

If it’s dinner time or happy hour in your household, bring the merlot (for you) and the mac and cheese (for the kids of for you, we won’t judge) and join any way. 

This will be an informal Faith Family time as we love on your kids, on you, and teach us all a bit more about serving God by caring for and supporting our human family with a hand up, rather than a handout.  We hope to see you, there! 

Pastor Carla

SOS Food Bank/Faithful and Safe Forms of Mission

SOS Food Bank

Since 1988, the SOS Food Bank has served as an ecumenical partnership amongst area churches and non-profits to provide nourishment to our neighbors in need.  Faith Church has a long and proud history as one of these partners and there are multiple ways you can contribute to this mission.. 

If you have been fully vaccinated, we need your help!  We need a couple of new volunteers to join our group the third Friday of every month from 1-4pm.  While food recipients are required to wear masks, and only two at a time are allowed into the front office where intake occurs, workers in the back where we gather food are not being required to do so.  Therefore, we are asking those who have been fully vaccinated, are willing to mask, and feel safe doing so to consider joining our team once a month to help support this work.   

If you have NOT yet been fully vaccinated, there are others ways you can help.  Just as SOS is fully run by volunteers, it is also fully funded by the same:

*Each family is supplied a Basic Bag of food that includes frozen meats, 1 dozen eggs, flour, rice, sugar, beans, pasta, tomato sauce, oatmeal, and peanut butter.  This is then supplemented with canned and baked goods, depending on the number of persons in the family.  Each Basic Bag costs approximately $20, which you can donate directly to the food bank at:

SOS Food Bank
P.O. Box 311032
New Braunfels, Texas 78131

            *While the food bank is able to stretch dollars further as they purchase food through special arrangements with others in our community, they do still welcome those who prefer to donate food rather than money.  Food may be directly donated and dropped off either at the SOS Food Bank (248 Merriweather St.) between 1 and 4pm Monday through Friday or left in the basket in the Narthex of Faith Church where our Faith SOS Team will gather and deliver it for you. 

            *Egg cartons that are clean and in good shape are needed to help sort the large flats of eggs received into batches of 12.  You may also drop these off directly at the food bank or in the basket in the Narthex at Faith.

*Pray.  Ask for God’s guidance for the board of directors who lead the organization, blessings for the volunteers who show up to share the work and for those who donate, peace and comfort and avenues to greater food security for the food recipients, and for those who do not yet know this support is available to find their way to SOS as needed.

For those fully vaccinated and willing to mask who wish to volunteer, please contact Mike Ziegler at [email protected].  Thanks for helping us feed our neighbors in safe and thoughtful ways.  To learn more about the great work of this mission, go to https://www.sosfoodbank.org/

Cards and Calls and…Casserole Patrol?! (Pastoral Care Team)

The Pastoral Care Committee is working diligently caring for members and friends of our Faith Church family, and we need your help in three ways:

  1. Let us know when and how we can help each other — from prayers to cards and visits to meals — as needs arise. Contact any member of the Committee if you have a need we could assist you, or someone you know, with.
  2. If you would like to help serve our Faith family and friends by sending cards, notes, and letters, and making phone calls, we would love to hear from you! 
  3. If you would be willing to provide a meal or 2 to members and friends of our Faith family during times of illness, injury, hospitalization, birth, or the death of a loved one, join what is lovingly being referred to as the “Casserole Patrol.” 

Email ([email protected]) or call (512-701-1337) Committee member, Karen Booth, to add your name to the list. When we learn of a need, Karen will contact those on the list to see who is able to participate at that time.

Members may either cook a meal and deliver it, purchase an already prepared meal from a restaurant and have it delivered or deliver it yourself, or purchase and deliver ingredients for an easily prepared meal such as a frozen entrée and a bag of salad.

For more information regarding the Pastoral Care Team, contact any of the team’s members. We look forward to answering any questions you may have and to better coordinating our efforts to all work together to care for our members and friends in whatever ways we can.

Team members are: Sheila Angerer, [email protected]; Karen Booth, [email protected]; Shirley Manning, [email protected]; Mike Ziegler, [email protected]; Janet Sherman, [email protected]; and Pastor Carla, [email protected] 

Submitted by Pastoral Assistant, Janet Sherman

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