Tag: help

Bookkeeping Help Needed

We are transferring our church accounting from Quickbooks to Realm (an all-encompassing church management software) over the next few months.  

We are looking for a small group of people who are interested in helping out with church bookkeeping.

If you have a love of numbers and are willing to learn a new system, please reach out to Michelle Perry.

We hope to set up a training opportunity with the experts from Realm to help us get things transferred easily.

2-3 Year Old Class / Nursery Attendants or Pledges Needed Immediately Please!

Churches do not grow and thrive, or survive, without families.  Families have been wanting and waiting for us to resume Children’s Programming, so they feel comfortable attending with their littles. 

We are SO grateful for the renewed energy in our midst, but if we do not have quality programming available for them, they will not feel welcome and will not return.

We are in need of 3 Children’s Church teachers total each week—one for the 2-3 Year Old/Nursery Class, one for the Younger (pre-K through 1st Grade) children, one for the Older (2nd through 5th Grade) children, and one floater to help as needed and maintain safe protocols for all. 

If you would like to volunteer, or pledge extra for the year to help hire a Nursery Attendant for our littlest ones, please contact Pastor Carla or Pam Robinson.

Help Faith with Hybrid Worship

Even once we begin in-person worship, we will continue our virtual worship via Zoom for those who cannot or are not yet comfortable with in-person worship.  We also want to continue to meet the needs of those who are not in our geographic region but are looking for a church home with which to connect.

There is much work to do to get ourselves ready for this and the Tech Team needs new members!!  You can begin by watching two videos of webinars produced by the Indiana-Kentucky Conference now available on YouTube. 

Session One: Time and Talent helps us plan and prep: https://youtu.be/9t-PFd2OsPA

Session Two: Tools and Tech helps us with gadgets and going live: https://youtu.be/czsobF8w6KY

We are grateful for the faithful work the Ward family has done for this congregation in working with our tech, and we cannot expect them to do this forever or alone without a weekend (or more) off each month. 

We need members willing to join the team, work alongside them to learn how it’s all done, and to help find even outside support to keep us up to date with our equipment and processes.  Please contact Pastor Carla at [email protected] to volunteer your time OR to offer a special offering in addition to your regular tithe to help hire AV help for the church. 

Tech Help Needed 4/18 & 4/25

Our fabulous tech gurus will be on vacation and not available for worship April 18th and 25th

We need to add members to our tech team on an on-going basis so the work is shared by several and feel easier on everyone! 

If you are willing to help with tech, particularly by learning now what is needed and being ready to help those two Sundays in April, contact me at [email protected]!

Thanks, in advance for helping make sure our virtual services remain a source of worship for many and stressless ease for those of us leading them!

Pastor Carla

SOS Food Bank/Faithful and Safe Forms of Mission

SOS Food Bank

Since 1988, the SOS Food Bank has served as an ecumenical partnership amongst area churches and non-profits to provide nourishment to our neighbors in need.  Faith Church has a long and proud history as one of these partners and there are multiple ways you can contribute to this mission.. 

If you have been fully vaccinated, we need your help!  We need a couple of new volunteers to join our group the third Friday of every month from 1-4pm.  While food recipients are required to wear masks, and only two at a time are allowed into the front office where intake occurs, workers in the back where we gather food are not being required to do so.  Therefore, we are asking those who have been fully vaccinated, are willing to mask, and feel safe doing so to consider joining our team once a month to help support this work.   

If you have NOT yet been fully vaccinated, there are others ways you can help.  Just as SOS is fully run by volunteers, it is also fully funded by the same:

*Each family is supplied a Basic Bag of food that includes frozen meats, 1 dozen eggs, flour, rice, sugar, beans, pasta, tomato sauce, oatmeal, and peanut butter.  This is then supplemented with canned and baked goods, depending on the number of persons in the family.  Each Basic Bag costs approximately $20, which you can donate directly to the food bank at:

SOS Food Bank
P.O. Box 311032
New Braunfels, Texas 78131

            *While the food bank is able to stretch dollars further as they purchase food through special arrangements with others in our community, they do still welcome those who prefer to donate food rather than money.  Food may be directly donated and dropped off either at the SOS Food Bank (248 Merriweather St.) between 1 and 4pm Monday through Friday or left in the basket in the Narthex of Faith Church where our Faith SOS Team will gather and deliver it for you. 

            *Egg cartons that are clean and in good shape are needed to help sort the large flats of eggs received into batches of 12.  You may also drop these off directly at the food bank or in the basket in the Narthex at Faith.

*Pray.  Ask for God’s guidance for the board of directors who lead the organization, blessings for the volunteers who show up to share the work and for those who donate, peace and comfort and avenues to greater food security for the food recipients, and for those who do not yet know this support is available to find their way to SOS as needed.

For those fully vaccinated and willing to mask who wish to volunteer, please contact Mike Ziegler at [email protected].  Thanks for helping us feed our neighbors in safe and thoughtful ways.  To learn more about the great work of this mission, go to https://www.sosfoodbank.org/

Cards and Calls and…Casserole Patrol?! (Pastoral Care Team)

The Pastoral Care Committee is working diligently caring for members and friends of our Faith Church family, and we need your help in three ways:

  1. Let us know when and how we can help each other — from prayers to cards and visits to meals — as needs arise. Contact any member of the Committee if you have a need we could assist you, or someone you know, with.
  2. If you would like to help serve our Faith family and friends by sending cards, notes, and letters, and making phone calls, we would love to hear from you! 
  3. If you would be willing to provide a meal or 2 to members and friends of our Faith family during times of illness, injury, hospitalization, birth, or the death of a loved one, join what is lovingly being referred to as the “Casserole Patrol.” 

Email ([email protected]) or call (512-701-1337) Committee member, Karen Booth, to add your name to the list. When we learn of a need, Karen will contact those on the list to see who is able to participate at that time.

Members may either cook a meal and deliver it, purchase an already prepared meal from a restaurant and have it delivered or deliver it yourself, or purchase and deliver ingredients for an easily prepared meal such as a frozen entrée and a bag of salad.

For more information regarding the Pastoral Care Team, contact any of the team’s members. We look forward to answering any questions you may have and to better coordinating our efforts to all work together to care for our members and friends in whatever ways we can.

Team members are: Sheila Angerer, [email protected]; Karen Booth, [email protected]; Shirley Manning, [email protected]; Mike Ziegler, [email protected]; Janet Sherman, [email protected]; and Pastor Carla, [email protected] 

Submitted by Pastoral Assistant, Janet Sherman

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