Tag: for everyone born

2022 Pledge Campaign—For Everyone Born, a Place at the Table

            It is rare for a modern congregation to NOT have a pledge campaign to help plan for the coming year’s budget.  Faith Church is conducting our first ever drive to request folks’ pledged giving of resources of time, talents, and finances to help support the work of the church in the coming year.

            Many thanks to those who have already pledged.  If you have not done so, PLEASE go to https://www.faithuccnb.org/2022pledge/ or complete a form on the kiosk in the Narthex.  Pledges will be accepted through this Sunday, January 9th.  Council will use these to plan our Statement of Faith (otherwise known as a budget) to be voted on at our Annual Congregational Meeting after worship January 30th.

For Everyone Born, A Place at the Table—2022 Stewardship Campaign

It is common practice in most churches to do an annual pledge campaign to assist with the development of a statement of faith (otherwise known as a budget). To our knowledge, Faith Church has never held one, so we are beginning with a theme that represents what we believe and seek to provide as a ministry of God in our community and world!

Each year at our annual congregation meeting at the end of January, we vote on our statement of faith to approve our spending and allocation of resources for the coming year. If we do not know how much to anticipate coming in, we do not know how much we can, in good stewardship, plan to spend.

Please help us dream into a bright future in the coming year of Faith by prayerfully considering your pledge of resources and talents and make your pledge by filling out the form via the link below or take a form from the bulletin board in the narthex.

We will dedicate all pledges provided in a special ritual during our Sunday worship service December 26th as our own offering of a gift to the newborn Christ Child.

Together, we can make a place where everyone feels welcome AND do the outreach needed to let them know we are here and how to find us!!



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