Tag: covid-19

Mask/COVID Precautions Update

Faith Church Council reviewed the most recent data and made the decision to have masking optional at all services and events at the church effective immediately.

Persons are still asked to be vaccinated (if eligible) to join us in-person and to respect those who wish to still mask and maintain distance.

Those not able to vaccinate or not comfortable being indoors with others unmasked are welcome to join us by Zoom, which will continue indefinitely for our services. 

We will watch COVID numbers and adjust in the future, as  needed. For questions or concerns, please speak to Pastor Carla or a member of Council.

May God bless and guide us as we continue to navigate the realities of living with this on-going challenge facing our world.

Acknowledging a COVID-19 Milestone

We acknowledge that the United States has now experienced over 500,000 COVID-related deaths, that we know of, since the beginning of the pandemic. 

Such a large number can be hard to wrap our heads around and we can easily become numb in the face of so much suffering, including our own.  This National Geographic article can help put that number into perspective.


Our prayers remain with those who have died and those who mourn, those who are ill and those who are recovering, those who are fear and those in denial. 

As a people of justice, we also acknowledge the health, economic, and social disparities  that have come even further to light with the disproportionate impact COVID-19 has had on our brothers and sisters of color. 

From the article, “Deaths among Black Americans are 1.9 times higher than among non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics and Latinos 2.3 time higher, and Native Americans 2.4 times higher.”

Please pray for an awakening to the greater need for stewardship, individually and collectively, to ensure all God’s children are safe, cared for, and working to be good stewards of their neighbors’ safety.  May we listen to and follow where God may be leading us to take part in co-creating a more just and healthy world for us all.

Special Committees Named

Early in the summer of 2020, the Church Council named three committees to give leadership to special needs of the congregation.  

The first is IN-PERSON WORSHIP COMMITTEE and the members are Mary Owen, Judith James and Jim Gossett.

The second is PASTORAL RETIREMENT AND CELEBRATION COMMITTEE and the members are Carol Sisco-Martinez, Jan Ziegler, and Sheila Angerer.

The third is the INTERIM PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE with membership of Miki Ward, Beth Bizer, Kyle Kramm and Jena Wendel. 

These committees did important work for this epidemic and pastoral transition time.  The Council and congregation express deep appreciation for the care and leadership given by these persons.  So a big THANK YOU to each of you.

A brief description of the work of each committee.


They identified a number of mitigation conditions needing to be enacted for safe in-person worship such as   sanitizing, wearing masks, maintaining 6’ distancing, temperature checks, and not attend if feeling ill or been near others that tested positive.     It was also identified there would be no in-person worship if the local new positive cases numbers exceeded a 7 day average of 30.  Arrangements were made for virtual worship. The Committee continues to monitor the numbers and will recommend resuming in-person worship based on local new cases.


This committee task was to find appropriate ways, during this Covid 19 time, to rightfully celebrate the 15 years of Pastor Scott’s ministry.  They have invited the congregation to share their remembrances, given financial gifts to Family Promise and Slumber Fall camp in his honor, presented him with personal gifts and will conclude during his retirement Sunday, December 27 worship service with a litany celebrating his ministry and releasing him of his pastoral duties.  


This Committee was tasked with finding Pastoral leadership for Faith Church upon Pastor Scot’s retirement.  Working closely with the South Central Conference Minister, the committee determined the kind and scope of leadership necessary, reviewed and interviewed a number of available candidates, and prepared a Designated Term Ministry Covenant.  The candidate and agreement will be announced soon.

The Council thanks the congregation for their faithfulness during this health crisis and transition time.

Faith UCC Sunday services to continue as normal

March 13, 2020
To: Faith Church members and friends
From: Pastor Scott

Hello Everyone,
Given all the cancelations of various events, some of you may be wondering if we will cancel church services at Faith UCC. As of now we are NOT canceling upcoming worship services. As of today, there are no reported cases of corona virus in Comal County. I confirmed this through phone calls to both the county and city health departments this morning (March 12). However, if local health authorities recommend cancelling, we will comply immediately. I have also called our sister church, Friedens UCC, in nearby Geronimo and they have no plans to cancel services at this time.

Obviously common-sense steps should be taken by all of us:

  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands
  • Don’t shake hands with people – even at church
  • Cover your mouth when you cough
  • Keep a reasonable distance from people
  • Stay home if you don’t feel well
  • If you are elderly or have a medical condition you may want to err on the side of caution and stay home as much as possible – we will understand if you do not come to church.

Given the above recommendations we will make some changes at church. Instead of passing the offering plates you are invited to simply drop your offering in the plates provided in the front and back. You can also contribute online or by mailing a check. We are working to make hand sanitizer available in the narthex for your use. You are encouraged to spread out when you sit down in the sanctuary. By way of setting an example don’t shake hands with the pastor or anyone else after the service. 

If the corona virus threat remains an issue on Easter Sunday, we will celebrate communion using self-contained cups with juice and a wafer. We will not have communion the first Sunday of April, as Easter is the following Sunday anyway.

We may not be over the worst of it in this country, but I find it encouraging that new cases are way down in China, where it started. With common sense measures, the help of the medical system and scientist and with God’s help we will get through this.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Scott

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