We have 4 council positions open for our next 2-year cycle. Council typically meets the second Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:30pm. We are in need of a strong working Council with persons engaged in the day-to-day organization and function of the church—from building and grounds to managing rentals to preparing the worship space and planning our worship.
Eventually, we will have committees to perform such functions and the Council will be able to be purely about the business decisions of the church, but we are not to that size just yet. For now, we must have a working Council of folks pitching in on a weekly basis in some aspect of the work of Faith Church.
For too long, the church has relied on the same people to hold positions for years at a time until they are burned out. We have enough new members to come bring new energy AND also need those who have the institutional memory of the church history to bring to bear on our decisions and we move into God’s future.
If you are ready for an adventure, want to come help make this church possible for those who need a safe place to find connection to God and spiritual community, and want to help keep your pastor and co-congregants from burning out, come join us.
The more hands on-deck, the less the weight of the load that will fall on any one person.
To nominate yourself or someone else, contact Pastor Carla before our Annual Congregational Meeting on January 30th after worship. Nomination does not guarantee a spot on the Council and each person will be voted on separately (for instance, couples do not come to council as one unit).
This is not a popularity contest, but a prayerful exercise in determining where we have persons who have time, energy, and gifts and can take up the tasks of what it means to BE church each and every day of the year.
I hope you will consider carefully if you feel called to serve in such a way. How much is this church worth to you, and what are you willing to do to help make it possible?