Tag: climate

UCC Earth Week Event: The Faith of Prophets—Lessons for the Climate Crisis

Prophets are needed as much as ever now as our world confronts the climate crisis. Yet, we can no longer wait for others to be the prophets that were needed yesterday. We have to find the prophet in each of us. To answer the urgent call for action today, this special online Earth Week event will focus on what the Hebrew Prophets can teach us as well as what prophetic actions are currently being taken.

If you can’t make the scheduled time on Saturday, April 23rd, at 10:30 am sign-up, and we will send you a recording.


April 14th UCC Webinar—What’s Fair?: The U.S. and Responsibility for the Climate Crisis

Historically, the United States has released more global warming pollution than any other country, and it remains the world’s second highest emitter. With its immense wealth and power, what are the moral obligations of the U.S. in confronting the climate crisis? In short, what’s fair? Three leaders in the effort to address this question will present in this webinar: Sivan Kartha from the Stockholm Environment Institute, Jean Su from the Center for Biological Diversity, and Susannah Tuttle from North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light. Even if you can’t make the webinar’s scheduled time on Wednesday, April 14th, at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording of it.

Sign-up now for the webinar!

From SCC Weekly e-News Submitted by Rev. Brooks Berndt, Minister for Environmental Justice

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