Nursery Attendants NEEDED!!! When visitors come and we do not have programming available for their youngest kids, they do not feel welcome and will not continue coming back and we lose the chance to serve their family for good. Churches do not grow if families do not feel welcome and return. If you would be willing to serve one week, please sign up on the kiosk in the Narthex or contact Christian Education Co-Coordinators, Pam Robinson ([email protected])and Chrissy Gossett ([email protected]), for more information. Thank you, in advance, for helping serve the littlest members of our Faith family.
Children’s Church Thank You’s!!! Special thanks to the Winter teachers Jan, Joe, Lauren, Michelle, Nicolle, Carol, Janet, Karen, Julia, Jennifer, Kathy, Chrissy, Pam. The next round of signups will be in February for Spring session.
Adult Sunday School!!! In the coming weeks, Rev. Bill and Florence Burns will be starting our 9:15am to 10:15am class for adults. Classes will cover books related to issues of social justice, scriptural topics, and other items of interest. Be watching the worship announcements and your email for more information.
Theology on Tap!!! The next Theology on Tap will be January 30th at 4:00pm at Off Rhodes Craft Beer Station just down Common Street from the church. Be watching worship announcements for emails with more information.