Folks are experiencing enough sacrifice these days, so instead of giving something up for Lent, I invite you to add a spiritual discipline. From Feb 17-April 3, engage in at least one gratitude practice a day. Use the notebook provided (available in the Ash Wednesday packets at the church), your own journal, or post on social media (tag us! @FaithUCCNewBraunfels). You can write down 5 things or something you’re grateful for:
*for each letter of the alphabet
*about yourself for each letter of your name
*about another person and consider sharing it with them
*in nature, in your house, your town, about your job or school, etc.
*every time your phone or computer dings with a call or message
*every time you hear yourself start to complain
Let’s also memorize Philippians 4:6-7 (NRSV) together as a reminder to turn to gratitude when anxiety starts to crowd our minds or we hear ourselves start to complain.
I hope you’ll join me in reminding ourselves of the good God is doing, even in the midst of struggles. Peace and blessings for your Lenten journey.
Pastor Carla