Category: March 2022 (Page 1 of 2)

A Note From Pastor Carla

And there will be wars and rumors of wars…

Many of us grew up practicing air raids, waiting for bombs of increasing sophistication with each generation, sending us under our desks at school.  Many in my age group were terrified by the movie, The Day After, that aired as a demonstration of what nuclear war could look like.  

If any of us have experienced our own trauma at the hands of someone who treated others inhumanely and appeared uncaring and unstoppable, times like these with leaders acting as their worst possible selves and even our own political leaders supporting them can trigger feelings of helplessness and fatalism.

In short, we are scared.  We grieve watching others discplaced from their own homes and streets and it is traumatizing to watch others being traumatized when we feel we can do nothing about it.  Walking out of a concert last night into a beautiful evening with joy and laughter and singing all around, I turned to my beloved to say, “It feels weird being so happy knowing what Ukranian civilians are going through at this very moment.”  We feel guilty for enjoying our safe life while theirs is being torn apart. 

All these challenging feelings can be so hard to be with that we go numb, block them out, shut them down.  Yet we cannot afford to, and need not fall into, paralysis and helplessness.  There is much that we can do!

First, we can pray.  Never underestimate the power of all of us uniting our hearts to care for the plight of others.  And, when we pray, it changes us and our hearts so we can be the change we wish God to produce in our world.

Second, we can give.  The UCC is collecting funds working in partnership with our cousins of faith in the Reformed Church of Hungary.  Many are booking Air B&Bs in Ukraine while making it clear they will not be coming, then communicating directly with the owners to offer support while others are buying art and other goods from persons in that region.  Yes, we must be careful of scams, so research on-line for safe ways to offer these kinds of support that will do the most direct good to those who need it most, but do not let fear of needing to get your efforts just right stop you from doing something.

Third, we can reflect.  In this Lenten Season, we are called inward to consider areas in which we could stand to grow that we may have missed seeing previously.  For instance, many, such as my friend and colleague, Rev. Jim Rigby, is challenging us in his Facebook posts to consider why we are so much more heartbroken over the invasion of predominantly Caucasian countries while turning a blind eye to the conflicts being waged upon countries of black and brown persons.  In far more of these invasions than we realize, WE are the invaders. 

Splinters and logs can get tricky, sometimes.  But it does not mean we are excused from taking a look to see if there is something new our God of justice and peace wishes to show us.

We are not helpless.  We can take action.  We are not alone.  We can stand with others and our siblings around the world by speaking up for causes of peace, for service of those pushed to the margins or left out of them completely at our worlds various types of borders.

We can let it begin with us, but how we respond to the crisis in Ukraine and those right outside our doorstep in New Braunfels as far too many are left without a physical home OR without a faith family that accepts them as they are.  May God lead us to find new ways to speak, reach out, act, serve, love, include, and be the living hope for a different city where all are welcomed and housed and fed and safe, a different county and state and country and world where the same is true.

We who proclaim in A New Creed, “In life, in death, in life after death, God is with us.  We are not alone!  Thanks be to God.  Amen.” have an assurance and source of hope that not all persons have.  Let us get out from under our desks and look up, Children of God.  We were created for such a time as this, and the world needs our compassionate minds and fierce hearts of service now, more than ever.

And let it begin with us.

Peace, Pastor Carla

Pride Sponsorship and Interfaith Pride Service

If you would be willing to pledge toward materials for and/or help plan the Faith Church, UCC booth at Riverside Pride Festival at the Comal County Fairgrounds Saturday, June 11th, please contact Pastor Carla!!!   

Folks were so appreciative of our presence last year, yet many were VERY SCARED to approach us, having been dealt heavy blows on their spirits by religious persons and organizations.  We want to have a fun, interactive booth at the event that feels safe and has an activity and decorations to draw them there. 

Perhaps we’ll play Pin the Tail on the Clobber Passage with scriptures traditionally used to condemn LGBTQ+ persons AND a corrective interpretation of that passage, then we have them try to pin the new loving message on top of the clobber passage while blindfolded for a prize.   

OR maybe we create a Whack-A-Mole game where they get to knock down or cover up phrases religious persons often use to condemn them with scriptures that speak instead of love and grace and acceptance.  Let’s get creative and have fun while offering an alternative message of faith!!  

We can then send them on with materials about Faith Church and goodies from us to remind them of God’s unconditional love for them, and ours as well.  We need ideas, offers to help cover the costs of outreach materials, and worker bees to help.  Again, please contact Pastor Carla to help and especially to take charge of helping her coordinate our efforts for this event!

Interfaith Pride Service set for June 9th 6:30—Helpers Needed  

Riverside Pride Fest was such a huge success last year that it is moving to the larger venue of Comal County Fairgrounds just down Common St. and will be Saturday, June 11th.  

Event organizers have given permission for Faith Church to host an interfaith worship service of supportive faith communities and persons of faith to show our LGBTQ+ siblings that God does love and affirm them, and so do we!  Other faith communities in New Braunfels and the surrounding areas are being invited, a committee is being formed to begin planning, and our own active and retired clergy at Faith Church will be asked to vest and process for the service.

So far, Pastor Carla has secured commitments to participate from New Braunfels congregations including Unity, the Unitarian Universalists, Peace Lutheran, and St. Johns Episcopal, along with the Seguine PFLAG Chapter and the San Marcos Unitarian Universalists.  

To help plan for and/or support this service, reach out to Pastor Carla.

Announcements, Reminders, and Upcoming Events

Time Change!!  A quick reminder to Spring Forward and set your clocks ahead this Saturday evening, lest you arrive at church as everyone else is heading to lunch!


Youth Party April 3rd

All our young, ages 10 and up, are invited to an after-church Pizza, Plan, and Play Party Sunday, April 3rd.  Pastor Carla is working to set up a youth area in the fellowship hall with games and puzzles, places to sit and hang out, a ping pong table, and also a basketball goal outside.  Lauren Pearce and Carol Cisco-Martinez have agreed to host monthly gatherings for our young ones, so come eat and play and help plan future outings and pre-teen/youth events and projects. 


Dates to Remember (details below):

Newsletter Deadline April 4th

New Braunfels City Council March 14th

Faithful Praise Rehearsal March 21st

Homeless Coalition Zoom Meeting March 22nd

Lenten Book Study Begins March 23rd

Adult Sunday School Resumes April 3rd

Good Friday Service—April 15th

UCC and Faith Church 101—TBA

Interfaith Pride Service set for June 9th (Planning meeting, soon!)


Faithful Praise Rehearsal March 21st 7:15-9:00pm  All are welcome to join Jaime Cameron and our other musicians to rehearse our music for the remainder of the Lenten season through Easter (April 17th). 


Lenten Book Study Begins March 23rd 6:30-7:45pm In-Person and by Zoom  Marcus Borg’s Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally will be our focus this season.  We will meet every other Wednesday evening March 23rd then April 6th, April 20th, and May 4th. Bill Burns purchased 6 extra copies you can purchase from him for $20. Others ordered through Half-Price Books with no-charge delivery.  Make plans to join us for an incredible time of sharing and learning together!


Adult Sunday School Resumes April 3rd 9:00-10:15am  Rev. Bill and Florence Burns will lead a discussion of Dr. Beverly Brown Tatum’s book, “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations Around Race.” Contact the Burns at [email protected] for more information and let Pastor Carla know if you can help run Zoom for this class.


Good Friday Service—April 15th 7:00pm  This year we will observe the end of our Lenten journey through a Good Friday service of stories, songs, and prayers.  Stay tuned for more details.


UCC and Faith Church 101—For New Members and Members in Discernment  Plans are underway to share the history, structure, and beliefs of the UCC and of Faith Church to help new members, those considering membership, and anyone who wants to learn more about our denomination and church.  This meeting will take place sometime late April or early May.  If you would like to help provide this information session by sharing what you know about Faith Church and the UCC, please contact Pastor Carla or Faith Church Moderator, Rev. Dr. Bill Burns at [email protected].


For Everyone Born, A Place at the Table: 2022 Pledge Campaign Re-Boot!  Thanks to those 28 households who have shared their intended giving of tithes and talents for the coming year.  We still do not have enough pledges to make or faithfully plan our Statement of Faith (aka, budget), so Council members will be sending letters and making calls to invite folks to share. To participate, please list your intended giving of time, talents, and reources on the forms that can be found on-line or on the kiosk in the Narthex.  Join us as we plan and prepare to live into the future God is calling Faith Church to this coming year!


2-3 Year Old Class / Nursery Attendants or Pledges Needed Immediately!  We are in need of 4 Children’s Church teachers each week—one for the 2-3 Year Old/Nursery Class, one for the Younger Children, one for the Older Children, and one floater to help as needed and maintain safe protocols for all.  If you would like to volunteer, or pledge extra for the year to help hire a Nursery Attendant for our littlest ones, please contact Pastor Carla or Pam Robinson at [email protected].


Social Media Help Needed  As we continue to seek the right fit for our Social Media Outreach and Communication position to help folks find and learn about the life and ministry of Faith Church, we need those fluent in posting to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok to work with Pastor Carla and others to develop content and schedule posts.  Many who have visited and even joined Faith Church this past year found us on-line, and we want to make the most of this free outreach to let folks know we are a safe and nurturing place for them and their families.  Contact Pastor Carla if you can be of service.


Rides for Members  Some members wish to participate in our events but do not feel comfortable driving in the dark. If you would be willing to give them a ride to and from events, please let Pastor Carla or Janet know so we can help arrange these.


Merging and Updating of Member Rolls  As people move in and out of our community in the ebb and flow of life, it can be easy, especially during times like this pandemic, for us to lose touch with our members.  Council will be inviting persons to both help update our current Membership Rolls and to join a Phone Tree to help maintain contact with one another as a congregation each month.  Be watching for ways you can help these efforts.


PFLAG  Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays had their inaugural meeting and are now in process to become a chapter.  If you have interest in this amazing space for supporting loved ones of those who are LGBTQ+, be watching for announcements for their next meeting!


Ministry Opportunities

Faith Church has a long history of social service and social justice ministry, but life events can shift so those who once led our efforts are no longer able to do so.  If you would like to help renew our connection with the Refugee Network or help deepen our connection with the Homeless Coalition, please contact Pastor Carla. There are many opportunities to serve at Faith Church, and we want everyone to feel they have the chance to find their place in serving God by serving our neighbors in whatever way feels right to them. 


Pastor Carla invites you to read the weekly Lectionary scriptures that can be found at

March 13

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

Psalm 27

Philippians 3:17-4:1

Luke 13:31-35 or Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

March 20th

Isaiah 55:1-9

Psalm 63:1-8

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9

March 27th

Joshua 5:9-12

Psalm 32

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

April 3rd

Isaiah 43:16-21

Psalm 126

Philippians 3:4b-14

John 12:1-8

Easter Sunday Activities

Easter Services 2020

On Sunday, April 17th, we will hold a Breakfast Brunch at 9:00am at the church in as well as outside (weather permitting) the Fellowship Hall.  We’ll then take our full bodies to go fill our spirits further in Worship at 10:30am while our older children help prepare for our younger children to have an Easter Egg Hunt immediately after the service. 

A good behind-the-scenes person is invited to help coordinate worker bees to make this day meaningfully special, easy, and fun for us all as we celebrate the new life our God provides!

Pews Available to Members

In this Lenten Season, we are called to consider those things we can let go of to make room for something new.  We also know there have been many changes and that, though needed and resulting in our growth and renewal at Faith Church, it can be hard to feel like things near and dear to us are going away.

We need to make room for our Youth to have a space all their own (mostly) and the Fellowship Hall is the most likely space.  Pastor Carla will be temporarily donating items from her home to set up this space, and also purchasing a ping pong table and other items to make this space special for them.

To do so, we will be moving the pews currently in the Fellowship Hall and are offering first option to give them a new home to our current members. Contact Pastor Carla to claim one of these.  Any pews that remain in the Fellowship Hall after March 27th will be placed for sale.

The pew currently on the porch outside the Sanctuary is due for some refurbishment, so members will be seeking to paint and repair this important piece of our history in the coming weeks and engage our young in helping to decorate it.  There is a possibility it will be placed on the playground side of the Fellowship Hall to create more seating space for our young and the grownups who supervise them there. 

If it is moved, other seating options will be placed on the Sanctuary porch to give good space for persons to gather and fellowship after services.  Perhaps a row of rocking chairs (cabled together for security), porch swings, or other seating options?  We can honor items that have been part of Faith for a very long time and give them new life while also making even more room for our growing congregation.    

Special Called Congregational Meeting to Discuss, and Vote on Our Statement of Faith

On Sunday, March 27th, immediately after the service, we will hold a special Congregational Meeting to review, discuss, and vote upon our annual Statement of Faith.  Thanks to all for the extra time given for Council to work on this and attempt to get pledges in to help plan our mission and ministry activities for the rest of the year.  Please come and be part of this important meeting to share your presence and your insights.  Copies of the Proposed Statement of Faith (aka, Budget) will be made available for all to review in the two weeks before that meeting.Also that day, during worship, we will also have a service of Installation of our Council Members to ask God’s blessing upon and guidance of them as they seek to lead us in the business and ministry of the church.

NB Council Citizens Communication Needed to Support First Footing Homeless Services

Pastor Carla recently spoke at City Council, along with other advocates on behalf of The Homeless Coalition, to support the First Footing Shelter.  Council Members were to very receptive and Mayor Rusty even sent a note of thanks and congratulations to the group.  Council has been flooded with Christians speaking against First Footing’s attempt to move to the old Senior Center and our houseless neighbors need us to offer an alternative view. 

You are asked to speak to your personal feelings about why, as a person of faith, you believe the First Footing Shelter and other services to our neighbors needing shelter are important.  Meetings begin at 6pm and this portion comes very early on the agenda.  We can speak up to 5 minutes. Kellie Stallings, Director of the First Footing program, plans to be there every meeting with data about why and how we can help those without housing, many of whom have jobs and simply need support.

After our first attempt to speak with a united front February 28th, Kellie sent the following email:
“Dear Passionate Partners- I cannot thank you enough for your heartfelt, eloquent, and AMAZING comments during the City Council meeting on Monday night. WOW! Each of you were SO on target with expressing the needs in our community and the reason services are needed (both for homelessness and for mental health services/suicide prevention). It gave me goosebumps! Since that time, one of the outspoken speakers against a potential service location has said she now supports the project and the location!! I think all of the prayer warriors must have worked overtime-talk about prayers answered!! I hope you are reading this Friday morning and this helps make your weekend. The work does not end, but it is so good to see signs of hope and understanding that vulnerable and hurting populations in our community deserve dignity and care and support. Thank you so much for using your voice to influence others to see the silent parts of our community.”  

Council meeting dates are March 14th, March 28th, and April 11th.  If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Carla for ways you can lend your voice.

Homeless Coalition Zoom Meeting March 22nd 1:30pm—Attendees Needed  

Multiple agencies and programs in New Braunfels seeking to support our siblings facing housing insecurity gather monthly by Zoom to discuss needs, share information, and coordinate efforts.  Pastor Carla attended the February meeting, but needs others from the congregation to join the meetings to help strengthen our connection to these incredible groups. If you are interested in attending, please contact Pastor Carla.

More Information About Homelessness in Our Community

To learn more about the needs of our siblings on the streets and in the woods and efforts being made to support them, please read these three articles from the Herald, and ask Pastor Carla about ways you can be involved in these efforts.

Scripture as Template for Development by Fr. Richard Rohr

Walter Brueggemann, one of my favorite Scripture scholars, discovered that the Hebrew Scriptures, in their development, reflect the development of human consciousness. Before we delve into the first half of life, it is helpful to use this model as an overview of the whole of life.

Brueggemann says there are three major segments to the Hebrew Scriptures. The first five books, or the Torah, correspond to the first half of life. The Torah is the period in which the people of Israel were given law, tradition, structure, certitude, order, clarity, authority, safety, and specialness. It would define them and give them their identity and hold them together.

You have to begin with some kind of Torah in normal healthy development. And it sure helps to believe that you are the “chosen people.” That’s what parents are giving their little ones—security, safety, specialness. The possibility of divine election is first mediated and made possible through the loving gaze of your parents and those around you (even neurologically).

The second major section of the Hebrew Scriptures is called The Prophets. This introduces the necessary “stumbling stones” that initiate you into the second half of life. Prophetic thinking is the necessary capacity for healthy self-criticism, the ability to recognize your own dark side, as the prophets did for Israel. Without that, most people (and most of religion) never move beyond tribal thinking, which is the belief that they and their group are the best, and really the “only.” It creates narcissism instead of any possibility of enlightenment.

If the psyche moves in normal sequence, the leaven of self-criticism added to the certainty of your own specialness will allow you to move to the third section of the Hebrew Scriptures: the Wisdom Literature, represented best in many of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, and the Book of Job. Here you move into the language of mystery and paradox. This is the second half of life. You are strong enough now to hold together contradictions, even in yourself, even in others. And you can do so with compassion, forgiveness, patience, and tolerance. But we don’t move toward the second half until we’ve gone through the other two states. The best sequence, therefore, is order-disorder-synthesis.

Death of Barbara Jaroszewski

I received the sad news Thursday morning that one of our Durable Saints (homebound members), Barbara Jaroszewski, was ill and had been hospitalized but was thought to be improving. However, she died in her sleep overnight. 

The family is planning a graveside service at 1:30pm Friday the 18th at Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park followed by a reception at the church at 3:00pm. 

Please let me know who among you could help organize the reception.  I do not yet know if the family will provide the food or if we will be asked to. 

Please be watching for more information in Sunday’s announcements. 

May we keep all those who love and mourn her in your prayers as we thank God for her loving presence among us.

Welcome New Members to Faith Church!

Please join me in welcoming our newest members:
Carra McNamara Myers
Molly Dixon and her twins, Gabriel and Grace Quentin

Molly Dixon and her twins, Gabriel and Grace Quentin

We moved to New Braunfels 3 years ago.  We love to hike, go the lake, and visit Landa park as often as possible. 

We all were born in Ohio and enjoy the beautiful Texas weather in the fall, winter, and spring.  We also have two older brothers that live in Florida and Arizona.  We love to travel and visit family and are so excited to join the church. 

Carra McNamara Myers

Being a 3rd generation San Antonio native, I take great pride in this city.  The Alamo Heights neighborhood has been my stomping ground, so it is no surprise my home, shared with my partner, Vicki, is here. 

Left town long enough to graduate from Texas Tech University to return and begin my 36 year passion with teaching.  Later received my Masters from The University of the Incarnate Word.  I taught everything from Elementary Physical Education to Sociology with a sprinkle of Special Education.  

My children stand out as my greatest achievement.  Both my son and daughter have grown into successful and independent thinking adults.  They also join me in the quest for social justice!  The three who have my heart are my grandchildren.  They bring me more joy than I thought possible. 

Upon retiring from teaching, I was blessed to live my dream by founding a nonprofit for underserved girls in the Bexar County area!  During free time I enjoy traveling, gardening, reading and serving on numerous nonprofit boards. 

I was looking for a church home when I was introduced to Faith UCC.  The beliefs and direction of Faith align with mine and I am thrilled to be a member!

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