Category: January 2020

Global Ministries Child & Elder Sponsorship Program Thank You

 Dear Friends,  Greetings from  the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship Program!    We are sure this letter finds you well.

     I am enclosing a letter and photo (you can see these on the kiosk)  from Dawa Tserinig, your sponsored child at Sonada Refugee Camp, in Darjeeling, India, and want to thank you for your continued support of this program.  English is not your child’s first language, so the letter written by the child might seem stilted or simplistic.  We are grateful the center made this effort to communicate with you.

    The Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program is committed to aiding children at risk by providing a practical way for individuals and churches to extend a helping hand.  Since the 1950’s, this global ministry has been working to safeguard the future of children around the world.  A commitment to sponsoring a child helps to provide housing, clothing, food, education and basic health care until age eighteen.

   The Global Ministries Child Sponsorship Program is a partnership between Global Ministries and the various participating centers around the world.  Your donations help the partnering institutions provide services to sponsored and unsponsored children.  Support of sponsored children is provided in ways that will not set them apart from their siblings, other children and their classmates.

Please feel free to contact our program manager, Linda Lawrence, at 866-822-8224 extension 3222 or [email protected]  or me tat extension  3878 or [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.  Thanks you again and may God bless you richly.


Patricia Cornacchione, Program Assistant

Heart of Texas Association News

I share with joy the ordination of Will Nelson on Sunday, December 22nd at Church of the Savior in Cedar Park.  Will has been called to be the pastor of Union Congregational Church, UCC in Three Lakes, Wisconsin.  We send Will off with our blessings and prayers for a fruitful ministry among the people of Union Congregational and Three Lakes.

At our Fall Meeting, we voted to give travel scholarships to all UCC youth and adult chaperones from this Association who go to the National Youth Event by voting to distribute $8750 in money for this purpose from our Association budget.  We anticipate that those scholarships will be about $125 per person based on past numbers.

The National Youth Event (NYE), held every four years, is the largest gathering in the UCC, often bringing together 4000 people. We now partner with the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ in this event.  I have been several times, and I know that it is a moving faith experience that those who go will never forget.  The speakers are always outstanding, the worship is uplifting, the opportunities to meet UCC and DOC youth from all over the country are unparalleled, the choice of workshops is varied and plentiful, and the opportunities for service add to the experience  This year’s NYE will be at Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana, July 22-25. It is for youth who have completed 6th through 12th grades.  The registration fee (which includes dorm lodging, meals during NYE, and event registration) is $375.  A registration link is coming soon, but normally the registration deadline is in the late spring.  The link for NYE is here:, and you can find videos of highlights from the past two NYEs

Here: and  I hope many of our youth will be able to join in this great, faith-building event.

We rejoice with Weimar UCC in the calling of their new pastor, Rev. Juvenal Cervantes.  Rev. Cervantes will be moving to Weimar from Greeley, Colorado next June in order to allow family to finish the school year. He will be preaching at Weimar twice in the coming months.  Our brothers in Christ, Gerry Metzger and Karl Tewold, have been providing pulpit supply to support Weimar in this time of waiting.  We look forward to welcoming Juvenal Cervantes to this Association.

Blessings in Christ,

Liz Nash, Association Minister

Faith UCC Online Directory Update

The online church directory now has a feature that allows church members to request changes or updates to the directory online. (the phone app will be updated soon.) Information on the new feature and how to submit changes is here: December Release Notes | Instant Church Directory Blog

     With all the changes in the congregation make-up I would like to bring my camera and equipment to the church each Sunday in January to update members’ photos if they would like. I know that some were unhappy with my previous attempt, and that we’ve gotten new attendees in the congregation this year. Do you think that would be a good idea?

Mike Ziegler


Monday, Jan 20, 2020

Join New Braunfels’ annual march to honor the work and legacy of this great civils  rights leader.  Faith UCC members let’s meet around 9:30 a.m. on Monday, January 20, at the Civic Center on Seguin Street.

The March will step off at 10 a.m, eventually returning to the Civic Center for a musical celebration featuring singing by Soul Sessions. A traveling exhibit of Herb Block political cartoons will be on display, and opportunities to register to vote or receive information about the census will be available.

Please take note of the change in location for the muster,  made necessary by the closure of the San Antonio Street bridge

Family Promise Challenge

I write to you with a special 2020 challenge.

Image you are a parent with 2 small children and you have no place to live and no income.What would you do? Where would you turn for help?

Studies show there are several hundred homeless children in the two local school districts. In its 7 year history, Family Promise of New Braunfels has graduated 50 families. Family Promise makes a difference for these families and children.

The mission of FP is “to provide support for families with children facing homelessness to achieve and sustain independence.”

Faith Church has been deeply involved with Family Promise since its 2013 inception. Members have served on the Board of Directors, multiple committees, host coordinators, fund raising, building and grounds maintenance, providing meals, hosting families overnight and even playing games with children.

Now the SPECIAL CHALLENGE. My term serving on the Board concludes March 2020. Faith Church has always had a representative on the Board.It is fitting to maintain that representation continuing the ministry Christ gave us in Matthew 25:40: “Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.”

The responsibilities of the Board includes: establish program policy, strategic planning, fund raising, financial management, and public relations. The Board currently meets one time per month.

I trust that someone would prayerfully consider serving families in need by serving on the Board.

Anyone so willing, or would suggest someone, please contact Pastor Scott or Bob Manning

Bob Manning

From the Pastor

Am I the only one that has trouble believing it is now 2020? was the intro to the old soap opera Days of Our Lives? “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.”

I’ve never been big on making New Year’s resolutions, probably because I learned a long time ago that I’m not very good at carrying them out! A New Year delineates a new beginning in our lives. The old year is gone, if not forgotten and the New Year lays before us pristine, untouched, full of possibilities. Maybe, just maybe, we can make new choices and follow different paths.

Like many I’m hoping I can exercise more and maybe eat a little better, maybe lose a little weight. I’d also like to green up my lifestyle, at least a little bit. To this end I went out and bought a bicycle the day after Christmas. I haven’t ridden a bike in years. I’m hoping to ride it to the church, grocery store, etc, when the weather and time allows, instead of taking my car. I rode it to the church from my house the other day. It only took me 20-30 minutes, depending on which route I take.. The car takes me 12-15 minutes. It’s great killing two birds with one stone. I get some exercise, I can slow down a bit and enjoy the view along the way, and burn less fossil fuel. We’ll see if I am as keen when the weather gets hotter!

I looked up a few quotes on riding a bike.

Charles Schultz, , “Life is like a 10-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.”

The bike I bought has 21 gears!

Albert Einstein wrote, “Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

Novelist H.G. Wells wrote, “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle,
I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”

A final thought from Mark Twain, “Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live.”

Rev. Scott B. Martin

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