Category: February 2020

Worship Attendants: Feb 2 – Mar 8, 2020

February 2, 2020 
Liturgist: Curt Leonhardt
Acolyte & Council Rep: Bob Manning
Greeter: Joe Ward
Hospitality: Lana Spiess
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Julia Allison & Joe Ward
AV: David Reed
Communion: Carol Sisco-Martinez
Ushers: Bob Manning; Curt Leonhardt; Sam Ward; David Bizer

February 9, 2020 
Liturgist: Julia Allison
Acolyte & Council Rep: Mike Ziegler
Greeter: Richard Leber 
Hospitality: Jan Ziegler
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Karen Dietz & TBA
AV: Joe Ward
Ushers: Mike & Jan Ziegler; Richard Leber; Julia Allison

February 16, 2020 
Liturgist: Jason Chapel
Acolyte & Council Rep: Carol Sisco-Martinez
Greeter: Joe Ward
Hospitality: Mikki Ward
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Chrissy Gossett & Will Gossett
AV: Tim Marlow
Ushers: Carol Sisco-Martinez; Eddie Martinez: Jason Chapel; Mikki Ward

February 23, 2020 
Liturgist: Nicolle Clark
Acolyte & Council Rep: Beth Bizer
Greeter: Michelle Perry
Hospitality: Pot Luck
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Tim & Jennifer Marlow
AV: Joe Ward
Ushers: Beth Bizer; Nicolle Clark; Michelle Perry; Mikki Ward

March 1, 2020 
Liturgist: Bob Manning
Acolyte & Council Rep: Sam Ward
Greeter: Richard Leber
Hospitality: Mikki Ward
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Jan Ziegler & Kathy Leber
AV: Cassidy Martinez
Communion: TBA
Ushers: Sam Ward; Joe & Mikki Ward; Bob Manning

March 8, 2020 
Liturgist: Jan Ziegler
Acolyte & Council Rep: Valerie Oates
Greeter: Mike Ziegler
Hospitality: Julia Allison
Nursery: TBA
Church School: Spring Break
AV: Quinn Perry
Ushers: Valerie Oates; Mike & Jan Ziegler; TBA

If you cannot serve on the designated date/dates shown, please try and find a substitute and let Pastor Scott and Janet Sherman know.  Also please change the names on the kiosk if you know ahead of time.  If that is not possible leave a message at the church office (830-625-6761) as soon as possible.  If you would like to be added or removed from all or part of the Worship Assistant List, please contact the church at 830-625-6761.

Slumber Falls Annual Work Camp: Feb. 7-9, 2020

The ministries at Slumber Falls are enhanced by our churches, volunteers, and Friends of the Camp.  Without your support, we would not be able to offer facilities and amenities that help build and shape our retreat group programming, nor some of the opportunities for our summer camping program where our children and youth learn about God, creation, and what it means to be part of God’s family.  Slumber Falls is the camp that love built, we continue to shape, and lay the foundation for the future.

Join the SFC Family as we come together to clean, restore, construct, and prepare the facilities for groups and summer camp.  We have ongoing projects that we strive to achieve each year such as cleaning, folding t-shirts, cleaning up and repairing flower beds, painting and power-washing.

If your church, group, or family is coming to work on your Adopt-A-Cabin project, please let the office know so we do not open it up to volunteers for lodging.

Submitted by: SFC Office

The Pineapple Casserole Recipe

As made by Ralph Ludwig at January 26, 2020 Potluck


  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup  brown sugar  (packed)
  • 6 tablespoons  all-purpose flour 
  • 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon  grated nutmeg  
  • 3 cups  sharp cheddar  (grated and divided)
  • 1 (20oz) each) of pineapple chunks & crushed (drained)
  • 6 tablespoons  pineapple juice  (reserved from the can)
  • 1 1/2 cups of buttery cracker crumbs such as Ritz crackers
  • 8 tablespoons  (1 stick) unsalted butter  (melted)
  • 1 tablespoon  unsalted butter  (for greasing the pan)


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Use the 1 tablespoon of butter to grease a medium-size casserole dish.  (2 quart)
  • In a large bowl, stir together the white sugar, brown sugar, flour and nutmeg is using. Gradually stir in 2 cups of cheddar cheese.
  • Add the well drained pineapple chunks and crushed, reserved pineapple juice (6 Tbs) and stir until well combined. Pour the mixture into the prepared casserole dish.
  • Top with the remaining 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese.
  • In a medium bowl, combine cracker crumbs with melted butter, until well blended. Spread the crumb mixture on top of the casserole. (I added some additional brown sugar to this mixture)
  • Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown.

Heart of Texas Association News

      Bethany Congregational UCC in San Antonio has called  Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Moncrief to serve as their minister. Pastor Jacque will be moving to San Antonio from the Virginia side of the Washington, DC area.   She begins her ministry there on April 1st.  We rejoice with Bethany at the beginning of this new era in their ministry and look forward to welcoming Pastor Jacque into the Heart of Texas Association.

     Bethany is also saying farewell to their interim minister of the past three years, Rev. Tom Robison.  Tom, who has been “on loan” to us from the Lutherans, has served Bethany with grace and wisdom.  He has helped the church through its long search process and has been a key part of the welcome and partnership Bethany has had with the pastors of our new church start, Rev. Billie Watts and Pastor Kerry Kirtley, as they have come into the UCC and started Touchstone Community Church.  Tom has been a friend to me personally, and I am grateful for his ministry at Bethany.

     Our Heart of Texas Committee on Ministry, at its January meeting, welcomed Brett Hart as a Member in Discernment.  Brett, a member of St. Peter’s Church of Coupland, has served as a pastor for many years.  After being the pastor of several Assembly of God congregations,  he served for a number of years at Hope Chapel in Austin and as the senior pastor of Doxology Church, a church plant associated with Hope Chapel. In addition, Brett has significant experience teaching, starting schools and an education-related business, and in spiritual direction.  Currently, he and his wife, Kay, have started the Serene Disciple Project (with videos available on YouTube) at their home at Egret Isle Farm near Coupland.  As a child, he was part of a Congregational Church, and he has now come “full circle” in finding a home in the UCC.  Brett brings a deep and varied Christian ministry experience, and we welcome him as a Member in Discernment.

     Our Committee on Ministry also welcomed Dr. Gus Lott as a Member in Discernment.  Gus is currently a Master of Divinity student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.  He is a member and a student minister at Trinity Church of Austin.  Gus comes to us with a background in neuroscience and robotics, having earned his PhD in biophysics.  He comes to us with a creative, seeking faith as he continues on his path in the synthesis of science and theology.

     Finally, our prayers are with Rev. Jacqueline Lamensky as she recovers from a recent car wreck.  Her car was totaled, but as of the time I write this article, it appears that her injuries are not major.  Several members of her congregation, Evangelical Church of Lyons, came right away to help her. I am grateful for the care that her church has shown her, and hope that she will be fully recovered very soon.

Blessings in Christ,

Liz Nash, Association Minister

Thanks From Slumber Falls

Dear Faith UCC,  We extend a very special thank you for your contribution of $443.99 that we received on October 15, 2019.  We are certainly blessed by Churches like yours who keep us in mind.

     Camp is all about exploring faith and developing relationships to the Church.  It becomes an interesting fact of life to see our young people taking an active role in the Church after being exposed to camp opportunities that fostered their spiritual journeys.  Your contribution helps us attract positive role model leadership that in turn helps our campers learn to grow meaningful personal relationships with each other and with God.

    Together with God’s grace, we will continue the ministry of Slumber Falls Camp.

(Don’t forget the Slumber Falls Work Day is Saturday, February 8th.  Please RSVP to the camp  for meals.)

Sincerely, Terri Armstrong, Assistant Administrator

SOS Update & Thank You

     Dear Friends,  Our Board of Directors would like to thank you for all of your support during 2019.  Our Spirit of Sharing Food Bank has been able to help those in need with help from contributors like you.  This has been our mission since June 1 1988.

     We distributed 259,704 pounds of food to clients and low income centers in 2019.  We are able to do this with the help of approximately 300 volunteers who are not financially reimbursed for their work.  It is our belief that we all have a mission to feed the hungry among our community.

     We also receive food throughout the year from the Letter Carrier’s Drive, Wurst Drive by both school districts, drives by churches, clubs, the radio station, organizations and businesses.  This provides 60% of food above the purchased food.  This is a true Spirit of Sharing.  Our community is outstanding.

    You are invited to visit us any weekday from 1-4 p.m. or the first three Saturdays from 9-11 a.m.  This is when our volunteers are serving clients.  Our Board meets every month on the third Monday at 9 a.m.

May God Bless You,  SOS Food Bank,  Sandy Buck, President

Lenten Soup & Study Wednesdays Beginning March 4th at 6:30 p.m.

Join us for this 6 week study using Rev. Jim Antal’s book “Climate Church, Climate Change: How People of Faith Must Work for Change”.  Archbishop Desmond Tutu says of Jim Antal’s book,   “Jim Antal shows how the church can engage the urgent moral crisis of climate change. This book will inspire both the courage and conviction people of faith need to provide the leadership necessary to realise [sic] God’s dream of a just world in which humanity is reconciled to all of creation.”

    We will not have time to read the whole book.  We will focus on the first six chapters.  Please read the chapter before coming to the Lenten Study.

March 4: Ch 1   The Situation We Find Ourselves In p. 9-29
March 11: Ch 2  A Loving God for a Broken World p. 31-40
March 18: Ch 3   The Church’s Vocation Today p. 47-62
March 25: Ch 4   The Marks of the Church In a Climate Crisis World p. 65-78
April 1: Ch  5   Discipleship: Reorienting What We Prize p. 81-99
April 8: Ch 6   Worship as a Pathway to Freedom p. 101-118

Pastor Scott will provide the books or you can go online and get an ebook.  We will gather at 6:30 for soup and bread and take turns providing these.  The study will run from 7-8:15 p.m.

Check out Jim Antal’s website at

From the Pastor – Feb 2020

Enrico Fermi was one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century.  He was one of the chief architects of the nuclear age.  He raised the following question, “If the universe is so big, then why haven’t we encountered any other intelligent life?”  Good question!

     Some recent scientist think they may have the answer.  They suggest that the lifespan of a civilization may only be a several thousand years and that of a industrialized society only a few hundred.  Carl Sagan in his book “Cosmos” speaks of the “L Factor”  of the Drake equation, which suggests that “once an intelligent civilization gains the capacity for interplanetary communication, at about that time, they gain the capacity to destroy themselves.”    I ran across this in Rev. Jim Antal’s book “Climate Church, Climate Change:  How People of Faith Must Work for Change”.

    Despite what some naysayers say human caused climate change is an indisputable scientific reality.  The sooner our leaders and we as individuals wake up to this reality and take significant action the better off we and future generations of our children and grandchildren will be.  The “L Factor” may or may not be at work but our continuing lack of taking this as seriously as we should is proof of human hubris and sinfulness.

     Way, way back, when I was a student at the University of Florida in the mid 70’s I took a class on Religion and Ethics.  One of the authors we read was Lynn White, who said, “More science and more technology are not going to get us out of the present ecological crisis until we find a new religion, or rethink our old one.”  Science alone will not solve human caused global warming.  We need changed hearts and minds.  We need a firm spiritual/philosophical foundation to undergird and empower a new way of living that is not based on exploitation of God’s creation but on mutuality and sustainability with all of God’s Creation.   Lent is a time to prayerfully examine our faith and our lives.

     I can think of no more important subject for this year’s Lenten season then “Climate Church, Climate World”.  We will take time to explore this in this year’s Lenten worship services and in our Lenten Studies on Wednesday nights.

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”  Psalm 24:1

Rev. Scott B. Martin

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