The Pastoral Care Committee is working diligently caring for members and friends of our Faith Church family, and we need your help in three ways:
- Let us know when and how we can help each other — from prayers to cards and visits to meals — as needs arise. Contact any member of the Committee if you have a need we could assist you, or someone you know, with.
- If you would like to help serve our Faith family and friends by sending cards, notes, and letters, and making phone calls, we would love to hear from you!
- If you would be willing to provide a meal or 2 to members and friends of our Faith family during times of illness, injury, hospitalization, birth, or the death of a loved one, join what is lovingly being referred to as the “Casserole Patrol.”
Email ([email protected]) or call (512-701-1337) Committee member, Karen Booth, to add your name to the list. When we learn of a need, Karen will contact those on the list to see who is able to participate at that time.
Members may either cook a meal and deliver it, purchase an already prepared meal from a restaurant and have it delivered or deliver it yourself, or purchase and deliver ingredients for an easily prepared meal such as a frozen entrée and a bag of salad.
For more information regarding the Pastoral Care Team, contact any of the team’s members. We look forward to answering any questions you may have and to better coordinating our efforts to all work together to care for our members and friends in whatever ways we can.
Team members are: Sheila Angerer, [email protected]; Karen Booth, [email protected]; Shirley Manning, [email protected]; Mike Ziegler, [email protected]; Janet Sherman, [email protected]; and Pastor Carla, [email protected]
Submitted by Pastoral Assistant, Janet Sherman