Author: Faith UCC (Page 12 of 28)

JoAnn Brown Obituary

Friends, as we announced last month, one of our durable saints and founding members, JoAnn Brown, died December 21st.  Her family sent us her obituary clipping and we have sent our love and condolences to them.  She was a smart, funny, firecracker of a woman and we were grateful to have known and loved one.  Peace to all as we remember and grieve this much-beloved member of Faith Church.


JoAnn S. Brown

JUNE 16, 1936 – DECEMBER 21, 2021


Zoeller Funeral Home

Jo Ann S. Brown left our arms for the arms of her Savior on December 21, 2021. Her homecoming followed a life filled with love, and although our hearts are heavy, we celebrate her release from the restraints of this world.

Jo Ann was born to Elsa Warnecke Salge and Harry Salge on the afternoon of June 16, 1936, in New Braunfels, Texas. She spent her entire childhood in New Braunfels; developing friendships that would last throughout her entire lifetime.

Jo Ann married William H. (Bill) Brown on December 29, 1956. They moved to Jourdanton, Texas where all three of their sons were born. They returned to New Braunfels where they lived happily for 58 years until Bill’s passing in 2014.

Once settled in New Braunfels, Jo Ann was employed by Dr. Fischer’s Dental Practice as a bookkeeper and a dental assistant. She then entered Civil Service, and worked at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio until her retirement.

Jo Ann was instrumental in the planning of her High School Reunions. She maintained friendships with a majority of her high school friends until her passing. Many of these friends were part of her BUNCO club, and together they spent hours laughing and reminiscing.

Jo Ann was preceded in death by her parents, Harry and Elsa Salge, her husband, Bill Brown, and her grandson, Will Brown. She is survived by her sons, William (Billy) Brown and wife Donna, Mark Brown and wife Chris, and Steven Brown, and wife Christie. She is also survived by eight grandchildren, Kailey Brown, Kyler Brown, Hunter Brown, Brandi Rodriguez and husband Joe, Bobby Heine and wife Mirela, Robert Brown and wife Margot, Jessica McCoy and husband Holt, and Stephanie Obelgoner and husband Jason, and eight great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be held at Zoeller Funeral Home in New Braunfels, Texas from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, January 3, 2022. The funeral service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at Zoeller Funeral Home, followed by burial at Guadalupe Memorial Park. After conclusion, the family would like friends to gather back at Zoeller Funeral Home for refreshments and reminiscing over a life well lived.

Linda Coats Service

Many of us have been praying for Linda Coats after her stroke and resulting health complications this past year and for those of us grieving since Linda’s death January 10th.  Her service, which was recorded and linked to below, was a beautiful reminder of the love and laughter that Linda inspired every where she went and how much she impacted the world.  Our prayers remain with all who mourn this beautiful soul.

Friends Congregational Church, UCC, posted this on Facebook January 10th: “It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that our dear Linda Coats passed from this life into God’s marvelous light. Linda died peacefully today in the early morning hours…Here she is placing a rock with her name on it into a box alongside rocks with her church family members’ names on them. Those rocks were mixed into the cement that laid the foundation for our church’s building expansion nearly a decade ago. It’s a comfort to know that the community of faith she nurtured continues to be nurtured on a foundation she is an essential, eternal part of. Rest in God’s ever-loving power and everlasting peace, Linda. This world is so much better because you let your light shine in it every day of your unmistakable life.”

Link to video of memorial service:

Ash Wednesday Service March 2nd 6:30pm

Join us as we observe the beginning of Lent in just a couple of weeks with a quiet, contemplative service and the dispensation of ashes.  If you need to join by Zoom, you may contact Janet or Pastor Carla to come by the church and pick up your ashes to participate in the service with us that evening.

Learn Ways to Support Connections!

Connections Individual and Family Services is hosting an Open House 2/22 from 10-11a(at 1414 W. San Antonio) to educate folks on their services and ways we can help.

This vital outreach could use our participation! Enter a raffle for an electric bike to support Connections, attend their free all-ages all-abilities yoga classes at Westside Community Center Mondays at 5:30p, and learn more by joining Pastor Carla at an Open House 10-11a on 2/22. Details can be found in their most recent newsletter. (sign up for newsletter at

Pastor Carla plans to attend and would love to others there!!

For more information, check out their Facebook Event here

Experience Fellowship and Fun at Slumber Falls Work Camp March 4-6!!

A weekend of service projects around the camp, laughter and friends, and being part of a powerful ministry that changes lives! The weekend is a casual affair where the bulk of the projects are slated for Saturday. If you have special skills or tools/equipment, please contact the camp office for possible projects.

Here are just a few of the projects we have lined up so far:

  • Carpentry / Construction
  • Cleaning / Organizing
  • General Repairs
  • Grounds Keeping
  • Painting
  • Refinishing Floors

For those needing volunteer hours, please bring your form(s) with you.

The cost for the weekend is free. Love offerings are appreciated, but never expected.

Color Splash @ Slumber Falls Camp – An inclusive 4-day camp for LGBTQ+youth

Slumber Falls Camp continues to be a beacon of hope for children and youth of all ages with its all-inclusive summer programming. This year we are excited to announce a new camp called Color Splash, a four-day, LGBTQ+ focused, summer camp experience.

Color Splash will promote an intentionally safe and brave space that welcomes all youth from our South Central Conference churches, and beyond that to other churches, denominations, and faiths.

Rev. Yadi Martinez, Associate Pastor at New Church – Chiesa Nuova, UCC in Dallas Texas, will be directing the Color Splash Camp for Junior High and Senior High age groups. Programming for both age groups will run parallel, each with its own appropriate age group activities. Programing for these four days will include:

  • Empowering workshops.
  • Open and affirming spiritual and worship opportunities
  • Opportunities in the musical, visual and performing arts

We know that many LGBTQ+ young people face significant challenges, anxiety and fear when participating in Christian or other faith-based programs and camps. Yet we also know the life changing experiences that a camp like Color Splash can offer young people as they seek to live into their true authentic selves. 

Slumber Falls Camp is an inclusive and empowering environment that opens its doors to all LGBTQ+ youth and their allies. Please join us in prayer as Slumber Falls prepares for summer 2022. And let us rejoice as a conference as we continue to be the church, creating a just world for all. 

For more information visit Slumber Falls at
Or email at [email protected]

Registration links:Junior High Track

Senior High Track

Upcoming Stewardship Webinars

Submitted by Rev. Phil Hodson, SCC Conference Minister

As we move through these unusual times in the life of the church, one of the challenges I’m hearing in many of our congregations surrounds giving. Our friends in the Wisconsin Conference have created a series of online stewardship courses to help congregations consider these concerns, and I encourage you to check them out! Each opportunity has a unique registration button so that you can select those most relevant to your local church. These are offered at no cost, and I hope you’ll be able to participate!


Keep reading for webinar descriptions & session registration…

Return to In-Person THIS Sunday! (2/13)

Faithful Friends,

After talking with many of you the past several days, including members of the previous COVID Committee, Council voted last night to resume In-Person Worship this Sunday under the following Covenant Agreements:


Covenant Agreement One: As a matter of compassion, we strive to be good stewards of one another’s safety, especially those among us most vulnerable, by

1) *masking with surgical masks or better,  

2) **being vaccinated and boosted, and

3) joining in by Zoom rather than in-person until able to fully vaccinate.  

*worship leaders may unmask when speaking/singing if distanced from others

**renters must mask, but may set vaccination policy appropriate for their group

Covenant Agreement Two: As a matter of justice, we seek to honor the healthcare staff already stretched beyond human limits. We will remain in-person unless a more dangerous variant comes forth OR capacity at local hospitals begins to be stretched. If one or both of these occur, we will make decisions to not add to their trauma or place at risk those needing medical services but not able to access them because of overloaded hospitals.


We have purchased HEPA Filter Air Purifiers for each of the Children’s Church rooms that completely filter the room air almost 4.8 times an hour, to increase the safety of our littles and their teachers. We continue to pay extra for high-rated MERV filters (that meet or exceed CDC recommendations) for the rest of our building spaces.

We are in need of volunteer teachers this Sunday! If you are able to help our little with a Valentine activity discussing God’s love, please contact Pam Robinson at [email protected]

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or members of Council (Rev. Bill Burns, Sam Ward, Philip Graves, Michelle Perry, Mikki Ward, and Charlie Robinson) to discuss them with us. We look forward to seeing you and yours, as you feel comfortable, at worship in the sanctuary this Sunday!

In Peace and Love,
Pastor Carla

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