Please join us in common mission, vision, and purpose by taking up the Strengthen the Church offering on May 31, 2020
We are amid a crisis that is demanding that we remain physically distant at a time when so many need the love and hope of a strong church to walk with them through an extraordinary global emergency. As many of us now present our ministry online, we pray that our love is being felt across technology, reaching those who need us most. Being church in new ways has demanded much of us as we have faced this challenging time together.
As we continue to explore new ways to be the church that people want in this time, your support of the Strengthen the Church offering on May 31 is now needed more than ever. The Strengthen the Church offering builds up the United Church of Christ by providing the financial resources to be a Spirit-inspired and world-changing Christian movement. Funding supports leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation; all strategies needed as we work through this current challenge and beyond. Conferences and the National Setting equally share the gifts given by members and friends through their local congregations.
The Strengthen the Church offering ensures, together, we grow stronger
Strengthen the Church funds ministry that allows us to benefit from best practices, insights, and innovations across the life of the UCC. Because of your support, new churches emerge, congregations are revitalized, and leadership skills are enhanced. Many new and revitalized churches are leading the way now as we adapt to new technology in all our congregations.
Please continue to help the United Church of Christ expand its light by taking up the Strengthen the Church offering on May 31, 2020
Materials for the offering have been mailed to churches. If you have not received your supply or need additional materials, visit UCC Resources at Recognizing that many churches are not meeting in person, we are providing a number of digital resources online. Visit for downloadable material.
Thank you for your continued support of your local Conference, the National Setting, and our work together to build the Body of Christ. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jacqueline Owen, Development Strategist, at or 216-736-2169.
Rev. Traci D. Blackmon
Associate General Minister
Justice & Local Church Ministries